Category: Clubs & campus activities

  1. How do you pronounce 'Baillieu', anyway?

    Oh, the title’s unrelated, but a pressing concern. I’ve heard a few too many variations. Okay. Well. Trinity are having a HUGE party next door tonight. On a Thursday. ‘Fair enough’, I hear you cry, ‘It’s Seniors’ Return Turn’, or some such. But they seem to have forgotten the fact that they have neighbours. Who […]

  2. "Stop. Turn. Take a look around!" (Pris)

    Here’s some things that O-week might stand for (pfft to “orientation”!): “Oh no!!! …er, hang on… Oh yay!!!” week The ups and downs of timetables: mine’s got one day which is absolutely packed and three days with only one or two lectures/tutes spaced really far apart… but then I realised that I only have 11 […]

  3. First Day of OWeek (alternative title: RRRrrrrRAaaH TRAMS RRRrrargh)

    Yes, it hasn’t been that long since my last post. You have a sharp eye, son. >.> This post should probably be more to do with the first day of O-Week, I suspect, but hey. I want to complain about trams, and there will be groin-punchy for those who will not allow me to bitch. […]

  4. Chapter One: Freedom (~jinghan)

    I woke up. And even though I had been allowed this luxury of waking up naturally without the disturbance of the radio alarm for several weeks, the novelty still hadn’t worn off. It wasn’t until I had lazily climbed out of bed and stared at my laptop for inspiration for something to do that I realised that this was, perhaps, the last day of freedom. Or the first – if university life proved to be everything that I hoped it was. [...]

  5. gigantor the terrible

    Well hi. I’m another one of the many arts students who are contributing to this blog this year. I wrote out a post at home, but alas, forgot my hard-drive. So you get an introduction full of unadulterated rambling, typed in the 34 minutes I have left remaining on the (incredibly slow) internet here at the […]

  6. O Week is coming… get ready to meet our new bloggers!

    Orientation is just around the corner, and we’ll soon have a big group of new bloggers telling you all about it, so stay tuned! In the meantime, if you’re a new student at the University of Melbourne and still don’t know what’s going on at Orientation, or haven’t got yourself organised for the week yet, […]


    This week at university we had student elections, which were excellent in displaying the power of pamphlet tagging. And while you can despise each particular person for intruding on your day and accosting you every time you go to Union house or the Baillieu (I hate spelling that), you have to admire their determination to […]

  8. Fahrenheit 451 (Daniel)

    Find it. I double dare you, I triple dare you to find this book at a bookshop. This is a book you cannot find new within Australia at all. Why? Publishers don’t publish it anymore in Australia. Which is really strange because for a book about censorship it’s interesting how ironic it is that we […]

  9. One down.. [ASH]

    And five semesters left to go. So, we start the second half of our first year, and we’ve a better idea of how university life is: – We realise that timetables aren’t fixed. Tutorials/Workshops/Labs are, but lectures? Who cares, just shuffle them around and attend different ones. So for me, less stress when doing my […]

  10. wednesday night

    if you weren’t lucky enough to see the singing ‘Melbourne Model’ students hand out flyers for the second season of their show a few weeks ago – you missed out. Having said that, a few of my friends and i were just a tad exited about the prospect of a musical devoted solely to the […]

Number of posts found: 192