Category: Study

  1. Three Steps to Studying for Uni Exams (~jinghan)

    A self-confessed study-whore’s guide for lost souls Equipment: your favourite stationary, a tree of paper, and a brain (get one for $4.99 from the reject shop!) Time: No more than a week for any one subject* (even that can be too long) or you are studying too much and will die from studying. (I’m warning […]

  2. Chapter Nineteen: An Average Student (~jinghan)

    I have found myself saying over and over to friends, "I feel let down by uni, I thought I would never have to study intensively again after VCE**! What a fool!" I say it in a light comical tone, but perhaps I mean it a little more than I care to admit. "But I love exams!" a uni friend had typed to me upon my whinging about never studying so intensively again. I knew what I was supposed to say, "you're crazy!" But what I felt was a little twinge of recognition. VCE had seemed to mean so much at the time, and I faintly recall that I enjoyed the study routine that I had developed by the end of the year...

  3. How Not To Do Swotvac: A Cautionary Tale (Cara)

    My name is Cara, and I’m a stressoholic. Welcome to my Swotvac. I’m currently wrapped in a blanket and perched in a tiny room on the second floor of my college which contains nothing but four squashy armchairs, a heater, and a keyboard. Peering down into the quad, I feel secure and hidden away. In […]

  4. On stupid motivation, stupid twisties, stupid calculus.

    And I don't even like twisties.

  5. Long story short, I suck (Cristina)

    Hello all my delicious dumplings! May I just start by saying how FABULOUS you all look today!? Truly exquisite! You must give me the number of your hairdresser. And that OUTFIT! What a riot! You’ll be giving that <insert name of famous designer here because I have no interest in fashion and wouldn’t have a […]

  6. Chapter Thirteen: Group Presentation (~jinghan)

    I don’t know about you but group projects aren’t high on my list of favourite sorts of assignments; presentations aren’t too much further up the list. So if I hadn’t been absolutely in love with my breadth subject (Poetics of the Body) the existence of the group project would have been enough to deter me. […]

  7. Chapter Twelve: Desk (~jinghan)

    The writing all over the desk caught my attention. "I love Pete" was crossed out and replaced with "Pete is a looser" in different handwriting. In another place "I like to smell books. Is this weird, or does anyone else like to do this?" was annotated with "bibliophile." I couldn't help smiling, it was like an online forum, only on a desk, where strangers united by their boredom of heavy text books exchanged passing comments. I skimmed the rest of the desk for other interesting comments - already wondering what I would contribute to the desk if I were so inclined to graffiti on it. One comment in neat black writing caught my attention, "I thought coming to melb uni would be really awesome, but now that I'm here, I just feel like everyone else is smarter than me." Faint orange highlighter replied with, "I Agree." If anything could describe my physics class this was it.

  8. They say a picture is worth a thousand words (Cristina)

    Ergo, this picture will be suffice for last week’s blog (which I failed to post) and possibly this week’s blog unless I find some super-motivation: This is what I’ve looked like most of the past two weeks. Tired. Because I procrastinate. NOTE TO YEAR 12s/OTHER POTENTIAL UNI STUDENTS: DON’T PROCRASTINATE. IT’S NOT WORTH IT. Cristina. […]

  9. The blog where I go to all the clubs

    Whose been a bad, bad bogger. I’ve been a bad, bad blogger. So after the shockingly annoying collapse of my night out (turned up to Public Bar and realised I had no ID. The bouncer actually laughed when I asked if I looked old enough to get in with out it), I thought I’d make […]

  10. "Just in time" (Pris)

    It’s taken me a while to figure these things out but did you know… There’s a lift in Union House?! And I’ve been using the stairs this whole time… Ohhh when they said to use your printing card, it’s the same thing as your student ID card. Word documents have this awesome referencing thingo that […]

Number of posts found: 414