Category: Study
One of the things that’s annoying about being a Music student (especially one heading for a Performance major) is probably finding suitable environments and times to practise. As a person who regularly gets up around 6-7am even on weekends, I’m constantly frustrated at the fact that I can’t practise anywhere in this house in the […] -
Time flies when…
you’re having fun. Or so they say. If so, I definitely am not having fun now. I found myself looking at my bedside clock a few too many times while studying early this morning, counting the minutes until I could go for a walk at 9am in the neighbourhood. It went something like this: 8:48- *sequential landscapes are blah […] -
When special consideration is not so special after all
*Sigh of relief* Update on my 12-page analysis: it’s over with and submitted as of 3:15pm today The problem? It’s a day late because my body finally gave in to a very persistent little virus during the exact same day I was supposed to hand in my assignment. The apparent solution: My tutor told me […]
Like a coiled viper….he strikes!
(Johnny English never ceases to amuse me). I’m sure most of us are feeling the stress of the exams creeping up, of course for me it isn’t helped by the fact that I have 3-4 assignments due at the end of the semester – however I can’t really complain, for the only subject I really […]
The Week That Was
If you’re an Arts student then you probably spent the last week desperately trying to cram in time to write up the four-or-so essays that you had ample to time to do over the semester but left until the last minute. I’m not exempt from this observation one bit. I know I definitely didn’t come into […]
The Real Life (Yuan)
What began as a flurry of posts in the beginning of the year has gently trickled down to the occassional update, or in my case, a hiatus for a couple of weeks. Welcome to Uni! Everything stepped up a gear and all those talks about self-responsibilities become a reality nightmare. All those skipped lectures and […]
1/6th way through my 3 hour break…
Yup, as usual I’m on a computer in the Student Union Lab doing my usual internet activities (checking my blog, reading online articles and checking my email), and I just thought that it would be totally awesome if I posted a blog right now just to further procrastinate on the catch-up Psych work I’ve been […]
Euphemism overload (?!)
The week that was—-week 7. Is it just my imagination or is it really only me in this blog who does not have to bother about pracs/essays? Coz right now, I really can’t relate with the people who are busy writing (or procrastinating with) their essays. So then what has kept me busy these days—busy […] -
I know what the title refers to (well, only WoW players would get this =P), but it’s also the sound that I feel like mumbling over and over because I’m not really in a mood to sleep and am listening to some Haydn (Cello Concerto in C Major, if you were wondering). I find it […]
Thulululsday. [nicola]
Thursday consisted of waking up at the unearthly hour of 5am, only to miss my bus and have to catch a later one at 6:43am. Guess what. Found out that I just make it in time for 8am by catching the later bus! Score for a 30min sleep-in! Most of the Chem tute was spent […]
Number of posts found: 414