Category: Uncategorized

  1. Investigationing with Ben 10

    Hey guys!   How are we all going?  Sorry I’ve been away for a bit, I’ve been in the process of trying to improve my study techniques.  Whilst they aren’t perfect, they are certainly better than what they were, which I am happy about.  Things are beginning to click which is good, but there is […]

  2. As Adele would say… (Jessica)

    “I set fire to the rain” (in hopes that it would somehow stop it) (insert: semi relevant cartoon) Side  note (idea borrowed from Emily) Why did no one ever tell me that  Uni becomes a flood zone when it rains???!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Hel-lo everybody (I read that in the tone of Dr. Nick from the Simpsons) Hope the […]

  3. Feeling the cold (Adeshola)

    Apologies for having not posted in the blog in awhile. Despite promising myself I’d be up to date with my blog posts, uni life is just flying by! We’ve well and truly passed the transition stage, just passed the half way mark and the word ‘exam’ is starting to feature more and more in tutorials, […]

  4. Just a sidenote…

    Well hi there! Apologies for me just slipping in here at the last minute. Not so unusual for me though…I often find myself running too early for something…and then I relax and slow down and end up being amazingly late…which is frustrating to say the least, especially with this whole new responsibility of getting to […]

  5. Introduction :) (Monique)

    Hi! I’m Monique and I’m going to be blogging here! I’m a mid-semester transfer 😛 So first I believe a little introduction is in order. I’m doing an arts degree, I’m taking History, Ancient History, Power (Arts foundation subject) and Biology as my breath. I haven’t decided yet but I think I want to major […]

  6. Hiatus (Benjamin)

    Hey everyone! I hope that everyone’s had a good break and have put the letters ‘relax’ in ‘chill’ (a difficult task, I know).   Firstly welcome to Emily, Jane, longeeman and Monique!  The ‘Three Amigos’ have now become the ‘Secret Seven’, with the emphasis not particularly being on the secret.   I think that I […]

  7. late introductions – Jane

    First of all – Welcome First_year@UniMelb readers! It’s taken a bit of time for me to get up and running and start writing in this blog – but I hope you will all learn a little something about the ‘First Year – fresher’ experience. A little about myself… My name is Jane and I am […]

  8. The long awaited break

    I’m slow on the up keep but the break has finally started! Woo hoo! If you could see me now, I have whipped off my shirt and am swinging it above my head in the air. When I reminisce on the past couple of weeks at Uni, I have only fond memories: the various camps, the Thursday […]

  9. Time for a break? I think so! (Adeshola)

    Oh Easter Break, I really do adore you and your timing! It’s 6 weeks into semester and has time has gone so fast! I know everyone keeps saying it, but to think we’re half way through our first semester of Uni is actually quite scary. The last 6 weeks have been a blur of lots […]

  10. Wooaah ooooooh, we're halfway there… Okay, well a quarter of the way then. (Benjamin)

    Valete amici!   Has been a very full last couple of weeks due to the copious amounts of caffeine, fun and Fanta.  I feel almost as supercharged as the Energiser Bunny who’s being badass by being plugged into the recharger.  So yeah. Easter break is almost here and it’s about time too!  I mean seriously, […]

Number of posts found: 1217