Category: Uncategorized

  1. Prosh Week and Nudie Runs

         Sitting the lecture theatre, I nibbled on a chocolate chip cookie and waited for my chemistry lecture to start when I looked up and saw a familiar face.      “Bez!” I nearly sprayed crumbs all over her. “What are you doing here?”      She jumped in the seat next to me and said, “Bio, […]

  2. Open Day Excitement!!! (With Exclamation Marks Because I'm Excited Like That.)

    Wow. I can’t believe it’s been a year since that rainy day in August when I gathered my things and my boyfriend and went to Parkville decided to know, once and for all, if Melbourne Uni was really for me. It was the day when everything changed. If getting in was the goal before then, […]

  3. "Miss, I have a question." (Silvia)

    If you’re ever in primary school or some event with little kids, take a look at how they put their hands up. Instead of asking their question, they say, “Miss, I have a question.” I’ve had the urge to do the same thing lately. A thought has been niggling at my mind and I want […]

  4. Take Two. (Candy)

    Oh my God, it is so good to be back. Two months of doing nothing is great, it really is. But my brain needed a good defrosting, and uni returned just in time. I didn’t ended up going to Cairns – I realised that the money was needed elsewhere…in other words, the Maths course I’m […]

  5. But why is the rum GONE? (Silvia)

         I just watched Pirates of the Caribbean. Jack Sparrow makes me laugh and Johnny Depp is pure magic to watch. I’m a big fan of pirates, especially with the pistols they carry—very fancy!      Anyway, my bag is packed, I am jumping up and down in anticipation and I keep looking at the clock, wishing […]

  6. Onward! (Amy)

    Hey y’all 🙂 This will be my last post on the first_year@unimelb blog, as I am now a student of Arts and Science at Monash University (OMG traitorous!). The reason I’ve moved is to follow my dreams 🙂 when I was choosing courses last year, I really didn’t know what I wanted to do at […]

  7. La di da ~~ (Silvia)

         It has been a fair while since my semester one has terminated, hurrah! You’d think I’d be out partying every night like some alcoholic, teenage, party-animal but you know me, my social life is obviously non-existent. So while my friends are watching the new X-men movie and clubbing, I am enveloped in my blanket, […]

  8. Tomorrow, then nothing (Silvia)

    Well, tomorrow marks the last day of semester one for me. It’ll be my last exam: chemistry. It’s the one thing I have not studied. I was going to do it after my biology exam today, but I forgot I had work. So now, at 9:45pm, I have decided to just give up and wing […]

  9. Exam time is the time to party~ (Silvia)

         Trust me to be away when something exciting happens. When I say exciting, I don’t mean the events that usually leave me red-faced. Oh no, this time, when I say exciting, I mean: DAMN, I REALLY SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE.      From what I heard, there were some drunks in the chemistry lecture theatre. […]

  10. It's Really Just the Beginning. (Candy)

    *gets a little teary-eyed* It feels so good to be back. 🙂 So, that little Blog-hiatus went long enough, I think. I’m not sure if it’s just false optimism fuelled by the end of semester, but I have suddenly been filled with this desire to actually attempt to be a tad more responsible. Yeah, these […]

Number of posts found: 1217