I am currently an Associate Professor and ARC Future Fellow at the University of Melbourne. I also serve as the Director of Postgraduate Teaching in the School of Mathematics & Statistics.
My research is partly supported by the Australian Research Council (ARC) through a Discovery Project: Moduli, invariants, and algebraisation (DP210103397); and a Future Fellowship: Integral transforms and moduli theory (FT210100405).
Moduli spaces, algebraic stacks, derived categories, formal geometry, and deformation theory.
arXiv: hall_j_1
mathscinet: 914526
orcid-id: 0000-0001-9136-7059
google: scholar
University of Melbourne
- Associate Professor, 1/2023 – present
- Senior Lecturer, 1/2020 – 12/2022
University of Arizona
- Associate Professor, 8/2020 – 5/2022
- On leave, 1/2020 – 5/2022
- Assistant Professor, 8/2016 – 6/2020
The Australian National University (ANU)
- Research Fellow, 1/2015 – 8/2017
- On leave, 7/2016 – 5/2017
- Postdoctoral Fellow, 7/2013 – 12/2014
Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden (KTH)
- Postdoctoral Fellow, 8/2011 – 6/2013
I received a PhD in Mathematics from Stanford University in 2011 under Ravi Vakil. I completed my undergraduate studies at UNSW.
- Australian Mathematical Society Medal, 2024
Australian Research Council
- Integral transforms and moduli theory, Future Fellowship (FT210100405)
- Moduli, invariants, and algebraisation, Discovery Project (DP210103397)
- Algebraic stacks through the Tannakian perspective, DECRA (DE150101799)
My writings are available on the arXiv, mathscinet, and below.
- Unipotent morphisms (with D. Bragg and S. Mathur)
Geometry & Topology, to appear pdf - Artin algebraization for pairs with applications to the local structure of stacks and Ferrand pushouts (with J. Alper, D. Halpern-Leistner and D. Rydh)
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, Volume 12, 2024, e20 journal pdf - GAGA theorems
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, Volume 175, July 2023, Pages 109-142 journal pdf - Mayer-Vietoris squares in algebraic geometry (with D. Rydh)
Journal of the London Mathematical Society, Volume 107, Issue 5, May 2023, Pages 1583-1612 journal pdf - A Luna étale slice theorem for algebraic stacks (with J. Alper and D. Rydh)
Annals of Mathematics, Volume 191 (2020), Issue 3, Pages 675-738 journal pdf - Coherent Tannaka duality and algebraicity of Hom-stacks (with D. Rydh)
Algebra & Number Theory, Volume 13 (2019), Issue 7, 1633-1675 journal pdf - Artin’s criteria for algebraicity revisited (with D. Rydh)
Algebra & Number Theory, Volume 13 (2019), Issue 4, 749-796 journal pdf - One positive and two negative results for derived categories of algebraic stacks (with A. Neeman and D. Rydh)
Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu, Volume 18, Issue 5, September 2019, pp. 1087-1111 journal pdf - Addendum to “Étale dévissage, descent and pushouts of stacks” [J. Algebra 331 (1) (2011) 194-223] (with D. Rydh)
Journal of Algebra, Volume 498, 15 March 2018, Pages 398-412 journal pdf - Perfect complexes on algebraic stacks (with D. Rydh)
Compositio Mathematica, Volume 153, Issue 11, November 2017, pp. 2318-2367 journal pdf - The telescope conjecture for algebraic stacks (with D. Rydh)
Journal of Topology, Volume 10, Issue 3, September 2017, pages 776-794 journal pdf - Openness of versality via coherent functors
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle’s Journal), Volume 2017, Issue 722, Pages 137-182 journal pdf - The Balmer spectrum of a tame stack
Annals of K-Theory, Volume 1 (2016), Issue 3, 259-274 journal pdf - Algebraic groups and compact generation of their derived categories of representations (with D. Rydh)
Indiana University Mathematics Journal, Volume 64, Issue 6, 2015, pp. 1903-1923 journal pdf - General Hilbert and Quot stacks (with D. Rydh)
Michigan Mathematical Journal, Volume 64, Issue 2 (2015), 335-347 journal pdf - Cohomology and base change for algebraic stacks
Mathematische Zeitschrift, October 2014, Volume 278, Issue 1-2, pp 401-429 journal pdf - A relative GAGA principle for families of curves
Journal of the London Mathematical Society (2014), Volume 90, Issue 1, Pp. 29-48 journal pdf - The Hilbert Stack (with D. Rydh)
Advances in Mathematics, Volume 253, 1 March 2014, Pages 194-233 journal pdf - The moduli stack of (all) curves
Appendix B to: Towards a classification of modular compactifications of \(\mathcal{M}_{g,n}\)
Inventiones Mathematicae, May 2013, Volume 192, Issue 2, pp 459-503 journal pdf
- Smooth-Nisnevich covers (with N. Deshmukh)
Appendix A to: On the Motivic Homotopy Type of Algebraic Stacks Submitted arXiv - A generalised Bondal-Orlov full faithfulness criterion for Deligne-Mumford stacks
(with K. Priver) Submitted arXiv - Coherently complete algebraic stacks in positive characteristic (with J. Alper and D. B. Lim) arXiv
- Further remarks on derived categories of algebraic stacks Submitted pdf
- The étale local structure of algebraic stacks (with J. Alper and D. Rydh) Submitted pdf
In preparation
- Torelli revisited (with S. Meagher)
- Tannaka duality for algebraic stacks with quasi-affine diagonal (with D. Rydh)
- Coherence criteria for half-exact functors (with D. Rydh)
- Compact approximation and descent for algebraic stacks (with A. Lamarche, P. Lank and F. Peng)
University of Melbourne
- MAST90097 Algebraic Geometry (Semester 2, 2024)
- MAST90097 Algebraic Geometry (Semester 2, 2022)
- MAST30024 Geometry (Semester 2, 2021)
- MAST10006 Calculus 2 (Semester 1, 2021)
- MAST90097 Algebraic Geometry (Semester 2, 2020)
University of Arizona
- MATH 313: Introduction to linear algebra (Fall 2019), sections 1 and 2
- MATH 536B: Algebraic Geometry (Spring 2019)
- MATH 129: Calculus II (Fall 2018), sections 3 and 5
- MATH 511B: Algebra (Spring 2018)
- MATH 511A: Algebra (Fall 2017)
- MATH 536B: Algebraic Geometry (Spring 2017)
- MATH 536A: Algebraic Geometry (Fall 2016)
- Park Jun-Yong, University of Melbourne (2022-2024)
- Lance Gurney, University of Melbourne (2021-present)
- Siddharth Mathur, University of Arizona (2018-2019)
- Oliver Li, University of Melbourne;
- Fei Peng, University of Melbourne;
- Kyle Priver, University of Arizona, 2022.
- Junjie Chen, University of Melbourne;
- Corey Lionis, University of Melbourne;
- Jeremy Larsen, University of Melbourne;
- Adam Monteleone, University of Melbourne, 2024;
- Matthew Boykett, University of Melbourne, 2023;
- Bowan Hafey, University of Melbourne, 2022;
- Fei Peng, University of Melbourne, 2022.
- Arithmetic Geometry, 4/2021 – present.
- Director of Postgraduate Education, 7/2022 – present;
- Chair of Postgraduate Programs Committee, 7/2022 – present;
- Deputy Chair of Postgraduate Programs Committee, 7/2021 – 6/2022;
- Deputy Coordinator of MSc and GDA in Mathematics and Statistics, 7/2021 – 6/2022;
- School Grant Coordinator, 7/2020 – 7/2021.
- Supervisory Committee, 1/2024 – present;
- Management Committee, 7/2022 – present;
- Executive Committee, 7/2022 – present;
- Graduate Academic Programs Committee (Science), 7/2022 – present;
- Postgraduate Programs Committee, 7/2021 – present;
- Research and Industry Committee, 7/2020 – 7/2021.
firstname.lastname at unimelb dot edu dot au
Peter Hall Building 201
Mailing Address
School of Mathematics and Statistics
The University of Melbourne
Parkville, VIC, 3010, Australia