New Zotero and Retraction Watch Feature

Get retracted item notifications with new Zotero / Retraction Watch integration feature

Zotero is a free tool to help you cite, organise and collect research.


Zotero 5.0.67 has a newly incorporated a feature to help you check items in your library against the Retraction Watch database.

Learn more about this new feature on the Zotero blog.

“Zotero can now help you avoid relying on retracted publications in your research by automatically checking your database and documents for works that have been retracted. We’re providing this service in partnership with Retraction Watch, which maintains the largest database of retractions available, and we’re proud to help sustain their important work.”

Read more.

With this Retraction Watch feature integrated, you get a banner notification across the top of your library, a warning when citing the item as well as new watch folder on the left for Retracted Items. There’s no missing it…

Zotero Blog

It currently only applies for items with a DOI or PMID.

Find out more and start using this integrated feature today.


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