Water feature with pathway and trees on campus

Reminder: Graduate Researcher Orientation 2022 Events Upcoming

Register today for two upcoming events for Graduate Researchers at the University of Melbourne.

Welcome to the University of Melbourne Key Note and Panel

Prof Justin Zobel, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Graduate and International Research) welcomes you to the University. Prof Zobel  then will facilitate a panel discussion with current and completed graduate researchers candidates who will share their experiences and recommendations for making a strong start to your graduate research career.

Date: Thursday 10th March

Time: 10:30am – 12:00pm

Format: Online – Zoom

More information and registration:  https://rduevents.unimelb.edu.au/event/292-gr-orientation-welcome-to-uom-keynote-and-panel

Graduate Researcher Services Fair

A fair showcasing the amazing services on offer to graduate researchers across the University. Participating providers include Careers and Employability, Counselling and Psychological Services, Digital Skills Training, Graduate Students’ Association (GSA), Murrup Barak, MU Sport, Office of Research Ethics and Integrity (OREI), Student and Scholarly Services (SASS) including Academic Skills and Library and Student Equity and Disability (SEDs).

Come early to get your free gozleme!

Date: Thursday 17th March

Time: 1:30 – 3:30pm

Format: On campus Parkville

More information and registration: https://rduevents.unimelb.edu.au/event/299-gr-orientation-services-fair

Enquiries: researcher-development@unimelb.edu.au


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