Need copyright help?

Did you know that University Copyright Office staff provide online information and resources, assistance with queries, and training and awareness sessions? 

The Copyright Office works with staff and students to maximise the permitted uses of copyright material for education and research. In so doing, the office seeks to ensure that the University community complies with copyright obligations.  

There are many ways that copyright can affect your research. From using third-party copyright material in your thesis or dissertation to evaluating your author agreements with publishers, understanding how copyright plays a role is a valuable skill to have at different stages of your research. 

Visit the copyright and research page to learn more about copyright and research, publishing, licences and contracts, using copyright material, protecting your work, and much more! 

Access a variety if useful guides on topics including searching for creative commons images, how to check licence conditions, how to find an image source, locating a copyright owner and requesting permission to reproduce material. 

For more information: 


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