News and Upcoming Events for August 2022
Throughout 2022 at the end of each month the Scholarly Development (Research) team will provide a snapshot of relevant scholarly research support news and events for the coming month.
Register for upcoming Researcher@Library Webinars
Researcher@Library offers a range of resources to help graduate researchers and academics develop their advanced library research skills and digital capabilities.
Registrations are open for upcoming Researcher@Library webinars:
- Open Access and Your Thesis
- Open Research 101
More information and registration: https://library.unimelb.edu.au/services/workshops-and-tours/research-training
Enquiries: libraryresearch-tickets@unimelb.edu.au
Register for upcoming Reference Management Webinars
Researcher@Library offers a range of resources to help graduate researchers and academics develop their advanced library research skills and digital capabilities.
Registrations are open for upcoming Reference Management webinars:
- EndNote for Beginners (evening)
- EndNote for Beginners
- Zotero for Beginners (evening)
- Zotero for Beginners
- Endnote for Researchers
- Zotero for Researchers
More information and registration: https://library.unimelb.edu.au/services/workshops-and-tours/research-training
Enquiries: libraryresearch-tickets@unimelb.edu.au
Check out the updated Research Integrity and Misconduct Policy
The updated Research Integrity and Misconduct Policy (MPF1318) came into effect 9 June 2022. This policy underpins the University’s commitment to responsible and ethical conduct of research and provides the standards and responsibilities for all University staff and students involved in the research endeavour.
This update reflects significant university-wide consultation and amendments to align with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (the Code), and the accompanying Guides, and to provide procedural information for the handling of research integrity concerns received by the University.
For more information on the Research Integrity and misconduct Policy, as well as resources and tools to assist researchers visit Research Integrity or contact research-integrity@unimelb.edu.au
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