• Molly Ford
  1. Your Thesis and Public Sharing, APIs for Use In Research | 23 Research Things

    The 23 Research Things blog introduced two new Things this week that cover a lot of ground. Check out Thing #13 on your thesis and public …


  2. Upcoming training & opportunities in August 2020

    Have you recently joined the graduate research community at the University of Melbourne? Join these online orientation events in August 2020.


  3. Enhance your researcher profile with online visibility, engagement and impact tactics | 23 Research Things

    The 23 Research Things blog got serious last week on all things research engagement, impact and online visibility. Check out Thing #11 on managing your online …


  4. Research Data – How long should it be kept?

    Researchers are tasked with collecting, storing and the retention of research data beyond the completion of their research project. Do you know exactly how long you …


  5. Catch up on Researcher Connect webinar recordings | ICYMI

    Researcher connect banner

    Researcher Connect is at an end, but you can check out these webinar recordings, resources and other related training opportunities. In case you missed it (ICYMI), …


  6. Digital Storytelling & Podcasting for Research | 23 Research Things

    Communicating your research is fundamentally a form of storytelling. Last week, the 23 Research Things Blog posted two contributions on podcasting and other dynamic storytelling via …


  7. Researcher Connect Online (9 June – 3 July 2020)

    Explore digital tools, research strategies & support across 50+ online events available to graduate and academic researchers at the University of Melbourne.


  8. Something you should know before you start your thesis …

    Do you know how copyright might affect – and help to protect – your research? Thinking about copyright early on in your candidature will help you …


Number of posts found: 28
