• Penny Chan

    Part of the University Library's Researcher@Library Program team, contact via gr-library@unimelb.edu.au.

  1. Share your research via blogging & social media | 23 Research Things

    The 23 Research Things blog gets meta with a blog on blogging this week. Check out Thing #9 on blogging for research, and follow it up with …


  2. Upcoming Webinars in July: Research Communication, Publication Strategies, Data Management & more

    Want to enhance your research communication skills? Looking to refine your publication and grant application strategies for STEMM or HASS research? Ready to tame the digital …


  3. Short, Sharp and to the Point – Bring your research story to life | Upcoming Webinar

    For help on finding the right words to tell your research story and bring it to life, join this week’s webinar with Simon Clews.


  4. Presentation design for researchers | Resources & Upcoming Webinar

    Presenting your work is a key skill for all researchers. Get advice from Anitra Nottingham on key presentation skills and design basics for communication of your …


  5. Working with images? Get advice on copyright & storage | 23 Research Things Blog

    If you use images in your research you need to know how to store and manage your files, and properly consider copyright requirements. Get tips from …


  6. Are you an Endnote or Zotero user?

    Screenshot of the Re:cite website

    There have been some recent authentication changes, with Endnote and Zotero system preference updates required for linking to full text. The University of Melbourne Library has …


  7. Join the Visualise Your Thesis Competition – Upcoming skills workshops & info sessions

    It’s on! Visualise Your Thesis returns to the University of Melbourne for 2020.


  8. Upcoming Webinars 29 June – 3 July: Competition launch, digital research tools, & more

    Looking to optimise your researcher profile to enhance your research impact? Want to showcase your research via the upcoming Visualise Your Thesis Competition? Are you deciding …


  9. 23 Research Things 2020 has launched

    23 Research Things relaunches in June 2020 - http://blogs.unimelb.edu.au/23researchthings | Brought to you by the University Library (Scholarly Services)

    23 Research Things is a program of 23 blog posts that highlight digital tools to support the research activities of academics and graduate students. Guest bloggers …


  10. Making a Covid-19 map in R using Shiny and Leaflet

    Want to learn more about R and see it in action? Read on for a step-by-step tutorial – no previous coding experience necessary. This guest post …


Number of posts found: 40
