• Emma
  1. News and upcoming events for July 2024

    In this edition of what’s new, and what’s coming up, at the University of Melbourne for researchers and the research support community: Say goodbye to Library …


  2. File Management 101: The OER

    Have you been stuck searching for a key document 5 minutes before a deadline? Overwhelmed with hundreds of random folders? Learn how to manage your research …


  3. News and upcoming events for June 2024

    What’s new, and what’s coming up at the University of Melbourne for researchers and the research support community.  Mid-year break for Researcher@Library webinars The Researcher@Library webinar …


  4. Research impact training, resources and more

    Discussions about research impact are everywhere – but what training and resources does the University provide for its researchers? Here’s a short rundown of what’s coming …


  5. News and Upcoming Events for May 2024

    A pink blanket with scrabble tiles spelling out "Hello May." The scrabble tiles are surrounded by orange, pink and white flowers.

    What’s new, and what’s coming up at the University of Melbourne for researchers and the research support community. Researcher@Library webinars: Publishing, Open Access, and Research Metrics …


  6. 23 Research Things on Figshare: What’s fruit got to do with it?

    Last year, 23 Research Things showcased different resources, strategies, and ideas to work smarter, not harder, when researching to an audience of over 500 subscribers. So, …


  7. News and Upcoming Events for April 2024

    This post provides an overview of what’s coming up at the University of Melbourne for researchers; and highlights updates from the research support community.  Visualise Your Thesis …


  8. News and Upcoming Events for March 2024

    This post provides an overview of what’s coming up at the University of Melbourne for researchers; and highlights updates from the research support community.  Digital Skills Meet …


  9. Newspaper access – read all about it

    A stack of newspapers next to a coffee cup.

    Can you guess what the most popular Researcher@Library blog posts are about? You might be surprised to find out that it’s newspapers! Here’s an update on …


  10. News and upcoming events for February 2024

    This post provides an overview of what’s coming up at the University of Melbourne for researchers; and highlights updates from the research support community.  Researcher@Library Webinars are …


Number of posts found: 16
