Posted under Managing information

  1. Information Awareness Month @ UoM

    A month of workshops and events not to be missed! Are you a researcher with questions about managing information online, privacy issues, open access, online resources …

  2. Consult a Librarian

    Consult a librarian for advice on topics such as searching, referencing, publishing, or managing data  You can contact the library via online chat, or visit us at …

  3. Upcoming Library Workshop at UoM

    2018 is almost a third done! This May, Researcher@Library is bringing you some more sessions to help you with your research journey. Check out the Researcher@Library …

  4. Managing the digital chaos

    Using digital technologies effectively has become a mainstream requirement for the modern scholar. But how do you manage a tsunami of file formats, storage systems, metadata …

  5. Online survey tool: Qualtrics – now available to all staff and research students

    With the launch of a University wide Qualtrics license, all University of Melbourne staff and research students now have the opportunity to use this online survey …

  6. Curating your research: Research Data Management for Artists (Southbank) – Researcher@Library Week 2017

    Artists accumulate research data when they make work and when they write about it. This data can take the form of material experimentation, documentation, interviews, surveys …

  7. Digital Scholarship Team wins National Award

    The University’s Data Forensic Lab has been recognised for its innovative use of ICT by VALA. The prestigious VALA Award, made biennially, is presented to the …

  8. Grad Research Festival 2016

    Full steam ahead for the inaugural Grad Research Festival 2016 to be held on Thursday 24 November 2016, 9:30am – 5pm. Hosted by Melbourne Centre for the Studies …

  9. Get organised: Reference management tool workshops

    Building a reference list is not the cumbersome chore it once was. Reference management systems enable you to save, store and manage your bibliographies while you’re …

  10. The Little EndNote How-To Book

    Not a manual but a useful little booklet of instructions for specific tasks in EndNote. Handy tips  include: Setting up EndNote Sync  – syncing EndNote desktop, online and iPad …

Number of posts found: 50
