Posted under Researching

  1. How to promote your research achievements without being obnoxious?

      Promoting your research achievements is not being arrogant. In fact, it is a necessity. You cannot depend on your research work being picked up automatically. …

  2. Google Scholar Citation Profiles: the good, the bad, and the better

    Google Scholar Citations lets authors set up a profile page that lists their publications and citation metrics. The citation metrics are updated automatically, and you can …

  3. IDCC19 – Workshop Registration is now open

    International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) is an established annual event with a unique place in the digital curation community, reaching out to individuals, organisations and institutions across …

  4. SciFinderⁿ (Trial)

    SciFinderⁿ  is the newest product in the SciFinder family, providing a comprehensive collection of content covering chemistry and related sciences from around the globe. SciFinderⁿ is currently …

  5. The Universe Looks Down

    Kristin Headlam’s exhibition The universe looks down derives from a University commission of a suite of etchings by Kristin in response to the long narrative poem of the …

  6. Interning at the Baillieu: Print Collection Research Assistant

    Snapshot interview with Research Assistant, Rembrandt etchings intern and Melbourne University student Ada Coxall, who is currently researching information about prints that are going to feature in …

  7. Preparing for Discovery Early Career Researcher Award or other grants?

    Grant applications often require researchers to demonstrate the impact and engagement of previous research outputs. Academic impact of research can be demonstrated by metrics such as …

  8. Sourcing and sharing photos on Wikimedia Commons

    Wednesday 24 October 2018, 12:00pm – 1:00pm. Dulcie Hollyock room, Baillieu Library. Wikimedia Commons is an online repository of free-use images, sounds, and other media files. Wikimedia Commons is free. …

  9. 2018 Rare Book Lecture: Vulnerable Law Sources, and How to Take Care of Them

    Thursday 25 October 2018, 6.30pm – 7.30pm. Theatre G08, Ground Floor, Melbourne Law School, 185 Pelham Street, Carlton. Presenter: Associate Professor Ann Genovese (Melbourne Law School) The description …

  10. Open Access Week (22-26 October 2018)

    The theme of this week’s Open Access week is ‘Designing equitable foundations for open knowledge’. Open access makes research available to be used by anyone and …

Number of posts found: 351
