Posted under Researching

  1. News and Upcoming Events for March 2022

    Throughout 2022 at the end of each month the Scholarly Development (Research) team will provide a snapshot of relevant scholarly research support news and events for …

  2. Introduction to library services: Get started today!

    February, can come around so quickly. While the summer season is almost at an end, now might be the time to get started with Library Research. …

  3. News and Upcoming Events for February 2022

    Throughout 2022 at the end of each month the Scholarly Development (Research) Team will provide a snapshot of relevant scholarly research support news and events for …

  4. Read & Publish Open Access Agreements for 2022

    Zachary Kendal, Scholarly Communications Consultant, discusses the new Read and Publish agreements allowing University of Melbourne researchers to make more of their work open access. A …

  5. Keep up to date and accelerate your research over the summer!

    Looking to keep up to date and accelerate your research over the summer? Before you visit a physical library please check the Library Opening Hours and …

  6. New Open Access Publishing Agreements

    Dimity Flanagan, Manager, Scholarly Communications speaks about the new open access publishing agreements benefiting University of Melbourne researchers. A full list of these agreements can be …

  7. New Research Data Services Directory and Research Data Management website

    Managing your research data can be hard when you don’t know where to go for help. Have you attended one of our Researcher@Library File Management training …

  8. Library Hours and Operations from November 20th – December 24th 2021

    It is nearing the end of the year, and that means that the University’s library hours and operations for the rest of 2021 will be a little different to usual.  …

  9. Sign up today for ‘An Editor’s Guide to The Conversation’ Webinar on 30th November 2021

    Researchers are invited to attend a free one-hour session on how and why to write for The Conversation. The Conversation Australia attracts more than 20 million unique reads worldwide …

  10. Reference Management – November Sessions

    In November we are offering sessions for existing users of the EndNote and Zotero reference management programs. If you are familiar with basics of EndNote and …

Number of posts found: 349
