Posted under writing

  1. Editorial insight ‘Sports Medicine’ journal – 30min. webinar

    Wednesday 10 May 2017, 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM AEST Join Steve McMillan, Editor of the journal Sports Medicine for a 30 minute discussion on the …

  2. ShareLaTeX: University of Melbourne Licence

    The University of Melbourne now has an institutional licence for ShareLaTeX. Register here using your unimelb email address. You will automatically be invited to join the University …

  3. APA Style Central (trial access)

    APA Style Central is designed to help users develop their writing and professional research skills, by combining sophisticated learning and teaching tools, advanced writing and content …

  4. How to write a blog post from your journal article

    Blogging can lead to greater readership of your work and ultimately more citations and impact writes Patrick Dunleavy from Writing for Research. You’ve put eighteen months …

  5. Writing for The Conversation

    Become an author in Australia’s best-read research and news site, The Conversation. Combining academic rigour with journalistic flair, The Conversation makes it easier for academics to …

  6. How to write for ‘The Conversation’

    Did you miss the How to write for ‘The Conversation’ session with Managing Editor Misha Ketchell hosted by the University of Melbourne Library on 3 June? …

  7. Drop and give me 20,000 (words)!

     MSGR’s Dr Liam Connell recently wrote a piece  in The Thesis Whisperer blog on the University of Melbourne’s  Thesis Boot Camp. Read it here. Applications are …

Number of posts found: 17
