Feature Friday: Curiosity Killed the Rat

Welcome to Feature Fridays!

Every Friday we’ll be highlighting awesome Science Communication happening in the world every.

And what a better way to start off than with a story from one of our own students!

Curiosity Killed the Rat

Kate took our Science Communication subject last year, where we teach students how to communicate with general audiences. They found it massively improved their ability to talk science with their non-scientist brother, to the point that they decided to start a podcast together! On Curiosity Killed the Rat, Kate and Matt discuss a range of science-related subjects.


They wanted a way to fight against the growing spread of misinformation in today’s day and age, and become a reliable source of both facts and fun. Normally they cover trivial, lighthearted topics, but recently they’ve had some deeply informative chats with local experts on current events. These episodes include a bushfires episode with our very own climate expert Linden, and their newest episode is a coronavirus special with an epidemiology graduate from The University of Melbourne. This is a podcast for anyone with an interest in science: no pre-existing knowledge necessary!

“We just really want to get people feeling curious about themselves and the world they live in, and then hopefully quell that curiosity while having a bit of fun along the way.” – Kate

Kate (left) and Matt chat science over laughs and quality banter on Curiosity Killed the Rat

You can find Curiosity Killed the Rat on all good podcast apps, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Follow them on Instagram and Twitter at @CuriosityRat.

Happy listening!

– Written by Rosie Arnold