Posted under Blog

  1. I dreamed a dream… and dreamed it again

    By Jordy Grinpukel, Class of 2016   You race down the corridor, trying to avoid the milling crowds lining the hallway. Get out of the way! …

  2. Have we been thinking about stress all wrong?

    By Charles Tan, Class of 2016 No one likes stress very much. We’ve always been told we needed to deal with our stress by getting rid …

  3. The Tea on Microplastics

    By Kate Huckstep, class of 2019 Microplastics have been getting a lot of attention lately, as more and more of them are found in our oceans, rivers, …

  4. Out of this world: Finding exoplanets

    By Trish Koh, Class of 2016 First direct image of an exoplanet (lower left red spot) orbiting its star (centre blue spot). Credit: European Southern Observatory via …

  5. Why do we fear spiders? More importantly, should we?

    By Caitlin Selleck, Class of 2016 Many people can’t stand spiders, and put it down to their hairy bodies, their many legs, or the way they …

  6. Getting Handy with Sign Language

    By Sabrina Lewis, Class of 2016 Auslan (Australian Sign Language) is the language used across Australia, primarily by deaf individuals and their family members. During the …

  7. 12 years is a long time to wait to be able to chew properly

    By Adrian D’Alessandro, Class of 2016 Last Thursday I entered the final phase of a 12 year journey. It involved a medieval torture device, metal all …

  8. Pigeons know the difference between good and bad art

    By Leslie Ng, Class of 2016 (Pigeon image credit Hybrid via Unsplash)   It’s a lovely day for a stroll in the art gallery. You find …

  9. The chickens that stand guard

    By Jasmine McBain-Miller, Class of 2016   (Chicken image credit Stephen Mierendorrf via Unsplash)   They are our avian defenders. Our silent watchers of disease spread. They warn …

  10. 10 things that animals can teach you about flirting

    By Ebony Ciarrocchi, Class of 2016 Welcome to the world of animal courtship. Things can get pretty brutal out there in the wilderness, so to score …

Number of posts found: 119