Melbourne Model: The Musical. Be there. (Suzanne)

Quick housekeeping question: Kathryn, now that the WordPress displays our usernames under the posts automatically, is it really necessary to still be including our names in brackets in the title?

ANYWAY. All prospective and current students wanting to get a brief understanding of the brouhaha surrounding the recent curriculum changes should go watch Melbourne Model: The Musical. It is a very witty, not very politically correct, and uproariously fun take on the first year of implementation of the Melbourne Model. It also has yours truly playing in the pit for Saturday matinees and certain other performances. And it has songs like the We Love this Uni, the Subject Cut Can-Can, the Student Union Tango, You Cut Viking Studies, and Dreamlarge. Also, it is written by Creative Arts students who will be completely taught out by next year, so the least you could do is watch their musical satire before they cease to exist.

Buy tickets now. It’s only $10 for union members, and it’s $15 for concession tickets otherwise. It runs on the 26th, 27th, 28th of March, and 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of April, at 8 pm on all dates, plus matinees at 2 pm on the 28th and the 4th.

For prospective students who are completely turned off Melbourne Uni after watching — don’t worry, only heritage students really get screwed over in the manner described in the musical. 🙂

And I know it seems like I only ever use this blog to advertise to a captive audience, but I swear I will put up a substantive post this weekend, before the Melbourne Journal of International Law starts requiring my unwavering and devoted attention for the rest of semester.

8 thoughts on “Melbourne Model: The Musical. Be there. (Suzanne)

  1. ooh, forgot to mention the Socialist Alternative Rap-Off against Peter McPhee, also in the musical. Funniest thing ever.

  2. i checked out the website for the musical – and all the times it’s on are rather inconvenient 🙁 either i’m not in Parkville or i’m only in uni in the morning on the dates. And I was very interested in seeing it and all

    anyways, it says in the online ticket purchase page that it’s $12 for Concession

    1. Yeah. $12 concession, but $10 concession if you’re a union member, if that makes sense (and you have to be concession if you’re a union member because you need to be a student to be in the union). I think you need to buy from uni to get the union discount because someone needs to see your sticker.

  3. i watched it yesterday! all the quick wit and sharp tongue of a bunch of angry arts students who have the talent with words to make everyone be drawn to their cause. There are some really talented people there!
    I really didn’t realise how pissed off heritage arts students were – as a (relatively) apathetic science (‘new generation’) student, i think the melbourne model is alright-ish. meh.
    Did I hear your melodious music from the pit that night?

    1. No, you wouldn’t have. I share the part with a guy from the VCA. He does Wed/Thu, I do Fri/Sat.

  4. oh, and they’re _creative_ arts students. not arts. the creative still existed back in their day.

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