
  1. The future is rapidly approaching

    So it’s almost the end of semester one and I still don’t know what to do with my life. As you can imagine, this is of course extremely encouraging. One more semester, then comes third year and its research project and internship. Internship. How can I possibly do an internship if I don’t know what […]

  2. I have two essays due on Friday

    I’d like to say that the reason for my lack of posting in the past few weeks is due to researching in regards to the above fact, but that would be a blatant lie. I simply suck. Just like this blog post. I’M SORRY!

  3. First week, second year, third blogpost

    It didn’t occur to me until it actually happened that my first week of uni finished on Wednesday. That’s right. My childhood dream of three days school, four days weekend has finally and amazingly come to fruition! Of course, I’m sure I’m supposed to spend all this free time studying and the like, but…well, I […]

  4. O-Week funtiemz

    So O-Week was pretty awesome, if I do say so myself. Even though I’m a second year student, I reckon I had just the same amount of fun during this O-Week as I did during last year’s. Why, I hear you ask? Well, I’m glad you did! I was an orientation host! Yes yes I […]

  5. Cristina S and the Chamber of Secrets

    Sorry, but every time I think of myself as a second-year student I can’t help but relate it back to Harry Potter. Anyway. Hi! My name is Cristina, surname forever undisclosed because I am the only one of my kind in the world, therefore am easily look-up-able/Facebook-stalk-able. I am a second-year Bachelor of Arts (Media […]