Cristina S and the Chamber of Secrets

Sorry, but every time I think of myself as a second-year student I can’t help but relate it back to Harry Potter.



My name is Cristina, surname forever undisclosed because I am the only one of my kind in the world, therefore am easily look-up-able/Facebook-stalk-able. I am a second-year Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications) student; I was the final-intake year for that specialised course  before Media and Communications becomes just a major in Arts this year, so I get to do an internship and all that jazz and don’t have to do any of that breadth business. Hurrah!

I figured I’d do my first post now because I’m already starting to feel swamped and the semester hasn’t even started yet. Not only am I beginning training at Kmart (my place of humble work) to work on the SERVICE DESK (this is almost like a promotion, but without the extra pay), but I am preparing for at least three clubs’ worth of O-Week activities and semester planning, preparing to actually be an Arts Orientation Host for O-Week, forcing myself to think of ideas of articles to write for Farrago, and edit ones other people write (I am the web subeditor this year, huzzah!).

Phew. But I hope I can do it. Hopefully if all this build-up of stuff continues throughout the semester, it may actually motivate me to do my work on time. I did fairly well last year, but I fell victim to severe procrastination, and I’d like for that to not happen again. I attained my very first H1 right at the end of last year, and I’d like to get a couple more of those, or at least some H2As, if possible. I really want my marks to be better this year (not that they were bad last year, they were fine), because apparently the best internships next year go to the kids with the best marks. And I want a good internship!

However, I’m trying not to think about that at the moment, predominately because I have absolutely no idea what I want to do with my future. I have pretty much decided that I don’t want to be a journalist, which is what most graduates of this course tend to become. Trust me to be an outsider. I like writing, I really do, I just…hate writing about the news. Or just writing “this and this and blah happened”. It’s boring. I’m too creative for that. If I have to write about the news, I at least want to be able to give my opinion on it. Or be sarcastic about it. Or add some humour into it. So I don’t really know what type of job I want to have. I’ve actually quite enjoyed my editing duties for Farrago, so the prospect of becoming a proofreader/editor isn’t too displeasing. I think I’d rather enjoy it, actually. My only concerns are:

1. Not finding a job.

2. Not liking my job.

3. Not getting paid enough.

Although I guess those are kind of universal concerns. I’m considering the postgrad in Publishing and Editing if need be, otherwise I’d love to follow my dream and study IT somewhere, anywhere. Sometimes I regret not pursuing it in the first place, but I felt that IT courses were far too beneath my ENTER score. That’s not to say that I don’t like my course – I do – I’ve just always had a difficult time deciding whether my love for technology or my love for writing should be the dominant force in my life. I know I am perfectly capable of both. I chose this particular course because I know it could potentially combine the two. But I still miss IT. I might do an IT course anyway, even if I do like whatever job I get after this course.

I think this wall of text clearly indicates that writing wouldn’t be a bad idea. But ideas are just the thing. I have trouble getting them. I guess we’ll see. Over the next year you’ll be able to follow me as I try to figure out what the hell I want to do with my life.

We shall meet again soon,


P.S. Because that ended on a slightly sad note, have a funny picture:

2 thoughts on “Cristina S and the Chamber of Secrets

  1. haha brilliant ending. Hey, isn’t that what we’re at uni for? To work out what we wanted to do with our life. I had a bit of a toss up with IT for ages, mine was IT versus Maths, but now I’ve actually started learning IT I can’t stand sitting infront of my computer, so I’m definitely majoring in maths xD I think there are plenty of people out there who know more about IT stuff without actually doing a course than people who do take a course, so unless you want to run away and join the game-programmer’s circus I reckon you’ll be okay out in the world without an IT degree if you just want it to supplement something else =p

    And if ever in a toss up about what you want to do with your life, start planning your career changes. Like when I get annoyed at my professional life, I think I’ll study floristry and open a florist-cafe-bookshop. What do you think?

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