Category: News

  1. Chapter Fourty-Four: Res Halls and Giant Food Courts (~jinghan)

    Since the move-in date for my new apartment isn’t until next week, I’ll be staying on campus in what will be a residential hall when the term starts and the freshmen students move in. I have to admit its pretty comfy and the internet is FAST – you notice when you are uploading photos. To demonstrate, […]

  2. Chapter Fourty-Three: Semi-Smart Phone (~jinghan)

    The plane touches down. And woven through the sound of the whizz of it’s power-down is the sound of text messages popping up from phones all around me. In hope, I turn on my phone. “Searching for network.” I stare at it with hope in my heart. “No network found.” I flip the old Motorola shut and stuff […]

  3. Chapter Fourty-Two: Me and My Moose (~jinghan)

    Everything happens in a blur: I’m harrassed about packing the right things late into the evening, I collapse into bed in exhaustion, I yawn all the way to the airport and before I know it I’ve waved goodbye to my family (Wait, did I mean to do that so soon?) and as I walk past […]

  4. Chapter Fourty-One: Strawberries and Cream (~jinghan)

    I slid my lips over the left-over strawberry that had been put in the fridge because I hadn’t eaten it last night. (It was too cold to bite into. Duh.) And I expected to come away with cream on my lips. At least I was so goddamned sure that I tasted cream that I licked […]

  5. The Perils of Friends & Personal Freedom

    Strange this, but I don’t think I went into detail as to why I moved. There are perils of living with friends. The thing is, you don’t really know a person until you’ve lived with them a little while. At the start of this year I was incredibly excited to be moving in with one of […]

  6. Chapter Fourty: Ba Ba Ba! (~jinghan)

    Ah…. Ba Ba Ba — Barbara Anne ♪ Ba Ba Ba — Barbara Ann ♫ Ba Ba Ba — Barbara Ann ♬ You got me rocking and a rolling, rocking and a reeling, Barbara Ann ba ba…. ♪♫♬ Ah… the poor man sitting at the back of the tram making a desperate effort to look like he was still engrossed by […]

  7. Thirty-Nine: Hunger Mission (~jinghan)

    Flicking through the big issue I found this article about the drought and famine in Kenya: “It’s hard to sleep when you are hungry. You get no peace. You spend all night shifting around. Everywhere aches. You try this side, that side, two minutes on your back. When you sleep on your left side the […]

  8. Chapter Thirty-Eight: Is Gay (~jinghan)

    Note from the author: Quotations are paraphrased as per my memory. That or they’re completely skimmed down for privacy reasons… It’s a Saturday morning and I’m lying in bed reading. It reminds me of being back in year eight. It feels like I haven’t had the luxury of secretly reading while snuggled up in my […]

  9. Chapter Thirty-Seven: I Passed My Driving Test and Left a Tip (~jinghan)

    Well my apparently terrible Tuesday did a complete turn around shortly after I made my last blog post. “Not more organising things… arg. I could have had this off my plate, but here I am booking another test time. arg.” is what I’m thinking as I log on to the Vicroads* website to see if I […]

  10. Chapter Thirty-Six: I Failed My Driving Test And Then I Cried (~jinghan)

    Feeling pretty dandy and confident after my last driving lesson before my drive test I come home from lunch with a friend to do some work into the evening. I’m about to turn off my computer before going to bed when I notice that my ex-boyfriend is online and that it’s been a month since […]

Number of posts found: 565