Category: News

  1. After a long silence…(Georgie)

    A quick update before I avoid any more study and fail a subject I have just started. I have no contact hours this semester and I’m actually overloading. Yes, I am an Arts student. So this should have been a relaxed semester but it turns out to be my busiest so far. I started two […]

  2. Some music for you…

    I realise that I always talk about practice in an abstract sense, but I never actually give anyone any idea of what I’m practicing. So, the point of this post is to share with you my lovely chamber music program for this semester. Here’s some Youtube: Jolivet – Sonatine for flute and clarinet Spohr – […]

  3. multum in parvo

    The past week and forthcoming week is that of a busy one. It saddens me as I have to cancel shifts at work, knowing that in the long run – a pass on my midsemesters may be more fruitful. Quick diary entries: CU ball; whoo! Everyone looks fantastic in their 1950s gear Work, Study, Young […]

  4. Field trip, camps, and the wonderful extensometer

    Just a quick update – yes I am still alive. I had MUCS camp (aka choir boot camp) last weekend and then the Apollo Bay field trip the weekend before that, and will be having SALP camp this Saturday. Time to study/get projects done during weekend = zero.  That being said, these have been fun and added […]

  5. Suzanne’s August, new/social-media style

    Hi guys, My attention span gets smaller as I grow older, so I’ll write like I’m on Twitter: August 1: MSS Catering to raise funds for Music Ball. Tallis Wing actually looks quite classy when you dim the lights and set up a stall for wine, pastries, and coffee. August 7: Try and fail to […]

  6. Week 5

    I thought I’d post something real quick, because ya’ll look a little lonely out there… not having heard from us in a week or so – may or may not be a good sign that there is life out there. Lets hope that there is. It is week 5, as the highly imaginative title suggests, […]

  7. 1-1-6

    That, is apparently the number combination to know in Engineering. Easy. I actually learned something in my Engineering subject! That's quite good considering that I'm a Landscape Architecture student who's crazy enough to take engineering as an Elective. Two weeks' worth of chemical engineering lectures made me realise just HOW crazy. edit: p.s. The 1-1-6 corresponds to the 'recipe' to [...]

  8. In which I talk about the activities of the Music Students’ Society

    These past few days, I’ve been spending a lot of time selling tickets to Music Ball (sorry bloggers, that plus a class that ignores common lunch hour is why I wasn’t at the blogger meet up today). Anyway, I am really excited about Music Ball, because I never spent much time organising these things when […]

  9. Ramblings

    I’ll replace all anglais words that I now know in Francais. Probably about cinq of them… Starting off, I found some brilliant concealer. Having been constantly asked ‘are you tired?’ ‘are you sick?’ for pretty much my entire life, I’ve decided to invest in some good concealer, that acts more like paint to be honest. […]

  10. slightly manic and sleep deprived

    I swear the pasta sauce I use must have caffeine in it or something. Every time I have it I just can’t sleep afterwards. Grr. So I fell asleep at 1 am yesterday night, having finished my reading at 11:30 and wanting an early night. And then I got up at 6:30 to make myself […]

Number of posts found: 565