Category: News

  1. More random thoughts

    Criticise any of my comments plz . I feel fake, tired, inadquate what !!! , I am not happy. A bit depress, brain tired, clouded with weights. I need confidence. I will love myself. Trust ppl, trust myself I will change, get better FEELING BAD=RUINS MY DAY THOUGHTS difficult time elicit some serious thoughts about […]

  2. Random thoughts from the past few weeks

    I haven’t forgot about blogging and I am still alive at uni. I just jogged down some random thoughts and now I am going to share them. Before that an overview: after having a reflection of these thoughts I sum up the past few weeks: Feeling insecure (scared that I am failing): likely to feel […]

  3. Insomnia (Chris)

    My sleeping patterns have been destroyed in the last few weeks due to a combination of factors: a hectic assignment schedule, the connection of superfast ADSL 2+ broadband in my share house, my progression from single to double-shot cappucinos (skim milk with only a TINY bit of froth thanks) and an eclectic, if slightly decadent, […]

  4. You turn my world upside down, Then you leave (Sophie)

    Hey everyone! Sorry for the slightly longer than normal time I spent ignoring the blog. Thanks for all the wonderful comments of support. I have some incredible people around me, that is for sure! Things are a lot better….life goes on, but you only become stronger. Sometimes you need these experiences to give you some […]

  5. Dishes (Rick)

    Yes, the dishes just arn’t being done enough here. Must make a roster! If there is one place, just once place which I like to have tidy is the kitchen. It is much easier to clean benches when food is first spilt there, rather than the next day. The only time the benches are clean […]

  6. Sideways Falling (Sophie)

    I usually live a pretty blessed life, and I am always grateful for that. However this past week has been life-changing in more ways than one. It has been one of the most difficult weeks of my life…and I don’t say that lightly. It never rains – it hail-storms. I’m still here though…and when I […]

  7. Implications

    I decided I should probably write something about what happened at Virginia Tech. This is actually a cross post from something I wrote on my personal blog, so don’t fret about issues of authorship if you ever come across it somewhere else – it’s the same person. One thing that I would like to mention though, before […]

  8. 85 Broads? What the hell is that ’bout?

    So inspired by Johanna’s mention of attending the 85 Broads launch event next Tuesday night…and much to my excitement that someone I kind-of-sorta-know is attending our launch event, I thought I would take the time to briefly mention to any readers about the existence of 85 Broads on campus. 85 Broads is a global womens’ […]

  9. Plan B Ambition (Johanna)

    ‘Tis an unfortunate fact of life that, whenever I have major assignments due, my brain kicks into overdrive. The unfortunate part comes into play on the fact that my brain isn’t milling over the cultural capital of literary adaptations or trying to get my head around Wittgenstein’s Tractatus. One of the big things plaguing me […]

  10. Come sail your ships around me (Sophie)

    Sometimes one really doesn’t want to try and study in a house in which parentals love to play Nick Cave at the loudest level possible. Why? Because I find his lyrics way too damn meaningful! He is after all, the prodigy of love song writers. It is too difficult to concentrate on studying for your […]

Number of posts found: 565