Category: Money, part time jobs

  1. Insomnia (Chris)

    My sleeping patterns have been destroyed in the last few weeks due to a combination of factors: a hectic assignment schedule, the connection of superfast ADSL 2+ broadband in my share house, my progression from single to double-shot cappucinos (skim milk with only a TINY bit of froth thanks) and an eclectic, if slightly decadent, […]

  2. Clean Slate

    Or not. My academic year has heralded by a few false starts – during first week, I got the idea that I wanted to take leave for a semester to get my head straight. No such luck. I’m not exactly sure what the technicality was, but I wasn’t allowed. Then I had to change my […]

  3. When things change, yet stay the same (Sophie)

    Well…I am back to my second week of classes. I am finally starting to slowly settle back in. It has been difficult and the whole routine has been something of a shock to the system. Despite the fact my vacation was anything but quiet, the atmosphere of University is so intense and the time I […]

  4. The House with the Amazingly Excellent Fridge

    -Getting a house -Second hand laptop - problems -Second hand text books - Uni Regulations

Number of posts found: 54