Category: Moving out of home, living in Melbourne

  1. I’ve been having a pretty dodgy semester.

    I'm very happy at the moment. I'm not doing well at Uni, I am aware of it. I'm not sure where I'm headed. I feel conflicted about the people around me. But I'm embracing the moments that are precious to me, and I'm making use of what time I have. Even if it isn't by studying...

  2. Back to Uni [Daniel]

    Well it seems to be that every time I come back to this blog I feel like I’m sneaking back into the house at 2am or finally replying to a friend’s email sent 3 months ago. You can interpret that as either a failure of discipline or an overbearing guilt complex (I’d go with this), […]

  3. Is it greedy to be ambitious? [Daniel]

    Or the opposite can be true, “Is it ambitious to be greedy?” It’s very easily interchangeable, but the two words have different connotations. Ambition, is well the better of the two, it shows you have initiative and you’re looking to move forward, to do, have and be more. Greed, on the other hand, looks to […]

  4. Only a month left?! [Daniel]

    Well it’s been a while second year blog, so much so that I’m in third year already. And what can I say time has been well spent. I went to Japan for 10 days with a host of people, many of which are now my friends. I made a gingerbread house for Christmas, which I […]

  5. Waiting —

    Yes – it’s been a long time since I made an update here. I’ve been plagued with projects, an exam, a couple of bouts of sickness and more projects. But now, I’m more or less free. Almost. My parents have been reminding me to get a job for next year. That, is harder than it […]

  6. Could we go see the car made of flowers?

    What kind of person spends Saturday evening in Uni?!? I dunno, but apparently I’m exactly that sort of person. Last week, it was Sunday afternoon in Uni, and now this. Am I getting too attached to the campus now that I’m in my final year? I don’t reckon so.  Two words: ‘Group work’. Combine 3rd year […]

  7. Done!

    Two weeks ago I finished exams, so now I am writing this from my room in Hong Kong, in the midst of 30-degree heat mitigated by 15-degree air conditioning. And thus ends another semester. For those keeping count, that’s 5 down, 7 to go. It’s a little bit surreal. Many of my friends from my […]

  8. A Quick Update (Georgie)

    Well, Easter holidays already and this is only my second post. A bit slack really. In my defence though I have been a little busy. I think I shall break down my life into sub-headings, beacuase hey – who doesn’t like sub-headings? Moving House I wish this were the exciting news that I had finally […]

  9. Decision time (Gianina)

    To SALP or not to SALP, that is the question… I have about 2 days to really decide whether I want to do SALP or not, as the applications are due this Sunday. I originally aimed to get my application submitted by today, as we were advised during the information session to get it done […]

  10. Two weeks in, ten weeks out (Suzanne)

    You know, I am really going to have to work on making more concise posts. I did a word count on several recent ones. 1500 words. That’s more than many of our new first years are writing for their essays. But I am the kind of person who likes gory details. And there must be […]

Number of posts found: 58