Category: Study

  1. Mmm… freddo frog

    … makes my hellish Tuesday a bit better. Thank you Rowden White librarian. I started out the day by being the only one who has not prepared for studio class. Reason: I missed the memo. Or the email. Whatever. In any case, it was a horrible feeling. Two big deadlines looming next week. Both on […]

  2. Finalement

    Cette semaine et la semaine prochaine j’ai des aux (?) examens français. <– is that even the correct grammar? ugghh.. only a week left of uni here! Time has gone by so, so fast!! Exams start next week and there is no swot vac (gives me greater appreciation for Melb Uni). The weather went from […]

  3. Could we go see the car made of flowers?

    What kind of person spends Saturday evening in Uni?!? I dunno, but apparently I’m exactly that sort of person. Last week, it was Sunday afternoon in Uni, and now this. Am I getting too attached to the campus now that I’m in my final year? I don’t reckon so.  Two words: ‘Group work’. Combine 3rd year […]

  4. Heterokontophycaea and others

    I feel somewhat justified writing a post, post-exams – as I have now commenced (4 days after my last exam) Marine Phytoplankton and Marine Botany summer school. Two subjects, two weeks, four exams and 25 points ahead. They call it ‘intensive’ subjects for a reason, and now – come Thursday – my social life consists […]

  5. Fin

    Today’s exam was by far, the most dramatic final exam I’ve ever had. Just short of having a drum roll during the last few seconds, there had been a thunderstorm and a blackout (pity to those who were at the back of the REB, with the 2000+ seat numbers, who apparently weren’t able to see anything for […]

  6. All about me. And Uni.

    In an entry all about me… I have had a few ‘I hate uni’ moments in the past week or so. This has resulted in no study, lack of sleep and not turning up to classes. In fact – I have skipped five lectures and yet another one of my (compulsory) labs this week, which […]

  7. Some music for you…

    I realise that I always talk about practice in an abstract sense, but I never actually give anyone any idea of what I’m practicing. So, the point of this post is to share with you my lovely chamber music program for this semester. Here’s some Youtube: Jolivet – Sonatine for flute and clarinet Spohr – […]

  8. 1-1-6

    That, is apparently the number combination to know in Engineering. Easy. I actually learned something in my Engineering subject! That's quite good considering that I'm a Landscape Architecture student who's crazy enough to take engineering as an Elective. Two weeks' worth of chemical engineering lectures made me realise just HOW crazy. edit: p.s. The 1-1-6 corresponds to the 'recipe' to [...]

  9. In Virginia (Georgie)

    Well hello there. I’m gald you could join me. Pull up a chair, stick your feet up and relax while I bore you with my travel stories from the lovely U.SofA . At the moment I am in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, in a library. It is a little, old, historic town. Kind of like a better […]

  10. Searching for the American Dream (Georgie)

    So it is finally here! And actually, almost over. It’s the third last day of my history trip subject ‘Searching for the American Dream’ which takes place over three weeks in the winter break in: Boston, New York and DC.   It’s been awesome! It wasn’t the group I was expecting and the lecturer that […]

Number of posts found: 130