
  1. HPS Podcast: Samara Greenwood on Social Change and Science

    Samara Greenwood is currently undertaking a PhD in the History and Philosophy of Science (HPS), in which she investigates the various ways in which changes in society can impact science. In this episode of The HPS Podcast, Samara discusses some of the controversies of drawing connections between social and political contexts and scientific change, including links between second wave feminism and […]


  2. SHAPS Digest (May 2024)

    A monthly roundup of media commentary, publications, projects and other news from across the School community.


  3. Revisiting Normandy: D-Day At Eighty

    6 June 2024 marked the 80th anniversary of the Allied D-Day landings at Normandy. In this article History PhD candidate Felicity Hodgson shares some of her work on American women war correspondents who covered this and other campaigns of the Second World War. Through an examination of their newspaper reportage, Felicity shows how their insightful […]


  4. Staying Fit in the Ancient World

    Many people today worry about how to find time to keep fit and healthy in the midst of their busy lives. Believe it or not, but this was also a problem in ancient times. So, how did ancient people deal with it? In this article republished from the Conversation, SHAPS McKenzie Postdoctoral Fellow, Konstantine Panegyres, […]


  5. Greek & Latin Reading Groups

    The Ancient Greek and Latin reading groups, convened by Dr Edward Jeremiah, are held in-person on Tuesdays person at the Parkville campus from 12–1 pm (Greek) and 1–2pm (Latin), in the Classics Reading Room 511, Level 5 Arts West (west wing) In Semester One 2024, the texts being read are: Latin: Moreschini’s Teubner edition of Boethius’s On […]


  6. 1968 was an Inflection Point for the US. Is Another Coming in 2024?

    Among the global protest movements of 1968, in the United States multiple events represented an inflection point in the country’s history. These included the assassinations of Dr Martin Luther King Jr and Robert F Kennedy, mass protests in support of the Civil Rights Movement and against the Vietnam War, and a Presidential election. In this […]


  7. Artem Bourov

    Artem Bourov (MA in Philosophy, 2024), Be a Body: From Experiential Self-Awareness to a Truly Bodily Self


  8. Henry Dobson

    Henry Dobson (PhD in Philosophy, 2024), A Common Morality Approach for AI Ethics


  9. Why is Cancer Called Cancer? We Need to Go Back to Greco-Roman Times for the Answer

    Dr Konstantine Panegyres is a SHAPS McKenzie Postdoctoral Fellow, whose work explores the histories of health in antiquity. In this article, republished from The Conversation, he delves into the ancient history of representations of cancer and the origins of our word for the disease. One of the earliest descriptions of someone with cancer comes from […]


  10. Simon Farley

    Simon Farley (PhD in History, 2024) “Alien Hordes”: A Cultural History of Non-Native Birds in Australia From 1788, settlers introduced a host of organisms to the Australian continent. They did so largely deliberately, with high hopes, and often viewed these species with immense fondness. Yet now many of these species are labelled ‘invasive’ and killed […]


  11. Laura Jocic

    Laura Jocic (PhD in History, 2024) Dress in Australia: The Materiality of a Colonial Society in the Making


  12. Elizabeth Muldoon

    Elizabeth Muldoon (PhD in History, 2024) Learning History with the Founding Foremothers of the Redfern Black Movement


  13. SHAPS Digest (April 2024)

    A monthly roundup of media commentary, publications, projects and other news from across the School community.


  14. Ancient Languages Boom!

    Undergraduate enrolments in ancient languages are soaring at the University of Melbourne, with the number of students signing up for beginners’ level Ancient Greek, Ancient Egyptian, and Latin undergoing a dramatic rise in 2023 and 2024. Ancient World Studies PhD student Noah Wellington reflects on the reasons behind this. Scholars have studied the ancient world […]


  15. “Too Many Aboriginal Babies”: Australia’s Secret History of Aboriginal Population Control in the 1960s

    In this article republished from The Conversation, SHAPS’s Dr Julia Hurst, together with Dr Laura Rademaker (Australian National University) and Professor Jakelin Troy, (University of Sydney), discuss eugenics policy directed at the reproductive rights of First Nations Australians in the second half of the twentieth century, a period often celebrated as a time of increasing […]


  16. Meet Hansen PhD Scholar Seth McKellar

    The Hansen Trust, established to advance the study of History at University of Melbourne, includes an annual PhD scholarship to the doctoral program in History in SHAPS. In 2023 the scholarship was awarded to Seth McKellar, who is investigating the history of transness and gender deviance. Tell us about your PhD project My research lies at the intersection […]


  17. What Remains of a Performance When the Curtain Goes Down?

    Archives are an incomplete but important record of dance and theatre, and the history and artistry of University of Melbourne students is being revisited through these ‘remains’. Arabella Frahn-Starkie, student in the Masters of Cultural Conservation, explores these questions in this new article, republished from Pursuit. My journey to working with archives has been an […]


  18. We’ve Taken Smoking From ‘Normal’ to ‘Uncommon’ and We can do the Same with Vaping

    Thomas Kehoe (Honorary, History; Cancer Council, Victoria), together with Carolyn Holbrook (Deakin) recently wrote on the history of anti-smoking campaigns in Australia, the effects of those campaigns on smoking rates, and how we can learn from these when it comes to quickly increasing vaping rates, in this article republished from The Conversation. Vaping is a […]


  19. Introducing Dr Kate Lynch, Lecturer in Philosophy of Science

    We are excited to announce the appointment of Dr Kate E Lynch as Lecturer in the History and Philosophy of Science (HPS). Dr Lynch is a philosopher of science and a biologist, whose work brings together philosophical analysis and empirical investigation. She is also a talented science communicator with a keen interest in engaging the […]


  20. How Ancient Romans Kept Cool in Summer

    A trip to the coast, a dip in the pool, and a snow-chilled drink. With our recent heatwaves in early 2024, Classics & Archaeology PhD Candidate Lily Moore was inspired to think about how the Romans managed to beat the heat and keep their cool during hot ancient summers. Lily ponders the question in this recent article, […]


  21. Nicole Davis: Forum Content Manager

    Nicole Davis received her PhD from the University of Melbourne in 2023. Her thesis examined the social history of the shopping arcade in nineteenth-century Australia from a transnational perspective. She is a member of the Melbourne History Workshop based at the university, and a Research Fellow in history and sociology of education and qualitative data […]


  22. Carmelina Contarino

    Carmelina Contarino is an Honours student in the History & Philosophy of Science program. Her thesis explores scientific methodology through understanding researcher’s perceptions of exploratory research. Carmelina is interested in how perception of exploratory modes forms part of the research cycle, its impact on epistemic iteration and the self-correcting nature of science. Carmelina is also […]


  23. Madeline Davies

    Madeline (she/her) is communications professional and emerging conservator currently completing the Master of Cultural Materials Conservation at the Grimwade Centre. In 2019 she completed a BA at Monash University with a double major in Media and Communications, and Film and Screen Studies, and in 2021 completed the Executive Master of Arts at the University of […]


  24. Philosophy Students Compete in Tertiary Ethics Olympiad

    In October 2023 two teams of students from the University of Melbourne participated in the inaugural Australian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics (AAPAE) Tertiary Ethics Olympiad. These ethics athletes or ‘eth-letes’, as they are known in the competition, went up against universities from across Australasia. They were supported by coach Dr Alex Cain (Teaching Associate, Philosophy), […]


  25. Rachelle Madden

    Rachelle Madden is an undergraduate student studying History and Philosophy of Science. With 30 years of experience in advertising and marketing, Rachelle recently returned to university to pursue her love of all things science through the HPS Program.


  26. SHAPS Digest (February 2024)

    A monthly roundup of media commentary, publications, projects and other news from across the School community.


  27. Leo Palmer

    Leo Palmer is graduate researcher in the field of Classics. His current thesis examines fifth-century Athenian democracy in its social, political and religious context, and makes the case for a complex, gradual evolution of Greek democracy, rather than viewing it as a product of revolution. Leo’s Honours thesis investigated the social functions and origins of […]


  28. Gen Schiesser

    Gen is an emerging conservator studying at the Grimwade Centre. She has an interest in the application of conservation to archaeology and studies of provenance and is currently writing her thesis on the investigation of metrology within the University of Melbourne’s Middle Eastern Manuscript Collection. By understanding how and with what units of measurements these […]


  29. Ancestral Ties to the Kabayan ‘Fire’ Mummies is Driving Research to Save Them

    An unexpected family link to the Philippines’ Kabayan mummies inspired research into environmental changes in the mountain caves that house them. Grimwade Centre students Fen Reyes, Sarah Soltis, and Camille Calanno explore their research on the mummies and their conservation in this article, republished from Pursuit. Tucked away in rock shelters in the secluded northern […]


  30. Noah Wellington

    Noah Wellington is a PhD candidate in Classics & Archaeology. His current research focuses on a tradition of women’s subversive discourse in ancient Greek literature from the Archaic through Hellenistic periods. Noah’s Honours thesis explored liminal gender identities in Athenian male youth and their repercussion on Athenian literature and politics and was a winner of […]


  31. Professor Mike Arnold: A Vote of Thanks

    Professor Michael (Mike) Arnold recently retired as head of SHAPS’s History & Philosophy of Science Program. His longtime colleague, Emeritus Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor, Janet McCalman, AC, reflects here on Mike’s career and legacy. Mike Arnold has retired from History & Philosophy of Science, leaving it, the social sciences, the university and, indeed, the world, […]


  32. Grimwade Centre Students Launch Scroll Vol. 3

    In December 2023, Student Conservators @ Melbourne (SC@M) hosted an intimate celebration at the Grimwade Centre’s nearby watering hole, The Clyde Hotel, to congratulate the new Master of Cultural Materials Conservation graduates and officially launch Scroll Vol. 3. The student-led journal celebrates its third successful release in three years. Founded by the Grimwade Centre’s Master […]


  33. Eliza O’Donnell

    Eliza O'Donnell (PhD in Cultural Materials Conservation, 2024), The Painting is Broken: Understanding Issues of Authenticity and Art Attribution in Contemporary Indonesia


  34. Ali Shammary

    Ali Shammary (PhD in Philosophy), Absolute Poverty and Human Rights: An Examination of Factual and Normative Issues surrounding Absolute World Poverty In this thesis, I aim to explore factual and normative questions surrounding the problem of world poverty. I begin by asking the following questions: What is absolute poverty? What is the extent of absolute poverty? And […]


  35. James Field

    James Field (PhD in Political Theory and Philosophy, 2024), Democratic Constitutions, Disobedient Citizens: Conflict and Culture in Habermas’ Political Theory This thesis reads Habermas’ political theory in light of his arguments about civil disobedience. I argue that the concept of civil disobedience stands in as a model of democratic conflictuality that is otherwise absent from […]


  36. Meet Dr Sarah Corrigan, Allan J Myers Lecturer in Classics

    In 2023 we were thrilled to welcome Dr Sarah Corrigan as the newly appointed inaugural Allan J Myers Lecturer in Classics (Latin Language and Literature). Dr Corrigan received her PhD from the University of Galway in 2017 and has since held fellowships funded by the Irish Research Council, working on a variety of projects. Dr […]


  37. ‘The Man’: Taylor’s Feminism Could Go So Much Further

    In another Swiftposium-related SHAPS post, republished from Pursuit, Gender Studies PhD Candidate Dana Fahadi examines Taylor Swift’s feminism, exploration of hegemonic masculinity, and how she can do more as a role model. I’m going to say at the outset, I am a Taylor Swift fan. She is my Goddess and I am one of the […]


  38. ‘The 1’: Something’s Been Forgotten in the Kanye-Taylor Feud

    Ahead of Taylor Swift’s Australian tour, in this article republished from Pursuit, SHAPS History Lecturer Dr Sarah Walsh talks about the drama with another celebrity, Kanye West, that occurred almost 15 years ago, and some of the nuance that has been lost in the discussion over time. Before I weigh in on exactly what happened […]


  39. SHAPS Digest (January 2024)

    A monthly roundup of media commentary, publications, projects and other news from across the School community.


  40. Creative Solutions for Conservation Challenges in Thailand

    The University of Melbourne has been collaborating with Silpakorn University, Thailand, since 1995. Most recently, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Arts and Silpakorn University’s Faculty of Science and Faculty of Painting, Sculpture and Graphic Arts. In March 2023 the University of Melbourne hosted an Incoming Research and Training Visit for residents of Silpakorn University’s Faculty of Science. During the visit, Assistant Professor Sutinee Girdthep and Dr Nattawan Worawannotai presented their work on the conservation of Thai heritage. Recent Master of Cultural Materials Conservation graduate Gen Schiesser reflects on the presentations below.


  41. Rabati 2023: Report on Georgian-Australian Investigations in Archaeology

    The Georgian-Australian Investigations in Archaeology (GAIA) project is a research collaboration between the Georgian National Museum and the University of Melbourne. GAIA was established by the late Emeritus Professor Antonio Sagona and Dr Claudia Sagona. SHAPS’s Andrew Jamieson reports here on the 2023 season of the GAIA dig at Rabati, with contributions from Brian Armstrong, Giorgi Bedianashvili, Catherine Longford, Abby Robinson, Claudia Sagona and Martin Tomko.


  42. Ridley Scott: Historians Need to ‘Get a Life’

    Napoleon director Ridley Scott is calling on us historians to “get a life” – and he has a point. Art is about more than historical facts. SHAPS Emeritus Professor Peter McPhee discusses the movie and the director’s stance in this article, republished from The Conversation. The release of Napoleon unleashed a torrent of objections to […]


  43. Pascale Bastien

    Pascale Bastien (PhD in Philosophy, 2023), Economic Growth, Liberalism, and the Good: A Contemporary Eudaimonistic Evaluation The majority of states worldwide pursue economic growth as a policy objective, and this tends to be justified in liberal and welfarist terms. However, the legitimacy of this pursuit is rarely debated and appears to be largely taken for […]


  44. Annual Fellows’ Research Day

    On 21 July 2023, the SHAPS Fellows & Friends of History held the annual Fellows’ Research Day. Fay Woodhouse wrote an overview of the day for Forum, discussing the speakers and their topics, as well as other enjoyable aspects of the day. The Annual SHAPS Fellows’ Research Day, held on a predictably cold Melbourne morning […]


  45. Melanie Brand

    Melanie Brand [submitted as Melanie Davis] (PhD in History, 2023) ‘A Question of Trust: Secrecy and Intelligence Accountability in Cold War Australia’ Intelligence oversight and transparency have traditionally been conceptualised as a zero-sum equation in which decreases in secrecy were believed to come at the cost of intelligence agency efficacy. This thesis challenges that view. While […]


  46. Martin Carnovale

    Martin Carnovale (PhD in Classics & Archaeology, 2023), The Language of Archaeological Investigations The thesis explores whether methods based upon analogical reasoning can be used to interpret culture if there are difficulties of translating other culture’s beliefs. The kind of cultural interpretation that I will discuss is that which pertains to social, artistic and religious […]


  47. Remembering and Forgetting the Dead

    Ancient Celtic Halloween ­­– or All Hallow’s Eve ­– was a day to acknowledge the dead. Modern rituals of marking death continue this tradition, both remembering and letting go. In this article, republished from Pursuit, two of the DeathTech Research team –SHAPS’s Mike Arnold, together with Tamara Kohn (School of Social and Political Sciences) – discuss […]


  48. Cancy Chu

    Cancy Chu (PhD in Cultural Materials Conservation, 2023) ‘Preserving Plastics in Paper-Based Collections’ Plastics, referring to semi- or fully synthetic mouldable polymeric materials, are now found in a wide range of cultural heritage materials. Ongoing research focused on plastics in museum collections show that the chemical stability of certain plastics are short-lived. These unstable plastics […]


  49. SHAPS Digest (July 2023)

    A monthly roundup of media commentary, publications, projects and other news from across the School community.


  50. Robyn Cooper

    Robyn Cooper, (MA in Classics & Archaeology, 2023) ‘Romans, Religion, and Residences: Investigating the Relationship of Domestic Spaces and Roman Homes throughout Pompeii, Herculaneum, and the Iberian Peninsula’ Using domestic cult spaces as a source material, this project explores how the nature of space within Roman residences interacted with and influenced on the expression of religious […]


Number of posts found: 429