Numerical data
Certain series will be provided here. Also links to other sources of data we have produced
- Ising square lattice susceptibility series†
- Low temperature series (text (Unix format), html)
— expansion variable: r = (1/2s)^2 = (1/2sinh(2K))^2 (to order r^323). Lowest order coefficient is constant term. - High temperature series (text (Unix format), html)
— expansion variable: t = s/2 = sinh(2K)/2 (to order t^323), Lowest order coefficient is constant term.
- Low temperature series (text (Unix format), html)
- Animals, Meanders, Directed Percolation, Other Ising, Potts and Self-avoiding polygons.
- Eulerian orientations series†
- 4-valent orientations counted by vertices (text (Unix format) – Link does not work
- General orientations counted by edges (text (Unix format) – Link does not work
- —Please note, Netscape Navigator 4.7 may have problems displaying the large pages that result from these series. If so download the “text” version of the series and view it with a text editor.