Publications 1970-1979

Publications are arranged in chronological order. Publications other than research articles, published in international journals, are encoded with a letter indicating the type of publication

Keys to types:

  • A – Published conference presentation
  • B – Books and contributions to books
  • C – Tutorial level articles, published in international refereed journals
  • D – Miscellaneous publications


8. Fox, P.F. and Guttmann, A.J., Low temperature critical behaviour of the spin I Ising model, Phys. Letts., 31A, (1970) 234-5.

9. Smith, E.R. and Guttmann, A.J., Correlations in the one-dimensional Ising model with random coupling constants, J. Phys. C, 3, (1970) L109-111.

10. Domb, C. and Guttmann, A.J., Low temperature series for the Ising model, J. Phys. C, 3, (1970) 1652-60.

11. Guttmann, A.J., Thompson, C.J. and Ninham, B.W., Determination of critical behaviour in lattice statistics  from series expansions, IV , J. Phys. C, 3, (1970) 1641-51.

12. Guttmann, A.J., Numerical studies in phase transitions, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc., 2, (1970) 427-8.  D


13. Guttmann, A.J., Domb, C. and Fox, P.F., Low temperature critical behaviour of the Ising model of ferro-magnetism, Jour. de Phys., 32, Sup C1, (1971) 354-5. A

14. Betts, D.D., Guttmann, A.J. and Joyce, G.S., Lattice-lattice scaling and the generalised law of corresponding states, J. Phys. C, 4, (1971) 1994-2008.


15. Guttmann, A.J., Joyce, G.S. and Thompson, C.J., Critical behavious of an isotropic spin system, Phys. Letts., 38A, (1972) 297-8.

16. Sykes, M.F., Guttmann, A.J., Watts, M.G. and Roberts, P.D., The asymptotic behaviour of self-avoiding walks and returns on a lattice, J. Phys. A, 5, (1972) 653-60.

17. Guttmann, A.J., A lattice model of superferromagnetism, J. Phys. C, 5, (1972) 2460-62.

*18. Guttmann, A.J. and Joyce, G.S., A new method of series analysis in lattice statistics, J. Phys. A, 5, (1972) L81-4.

19. Guttmann, A.J., Two conjectures in the theory of self-avoiding random walks, Proceedings of the First Australian Combinatorial Conference, Newcastle, (1972) 5-13. A


20. Joyce, G.S. and Guttmann, A.J., A new method of series analysis, in “Pade Approximants and their Applications”, ed. P.R. Graves-Morris (Academic Press, London and N.Y., 1973), 163-7. B

21. Guttmann, A.J. and Sykes, M.F., Numerical study of a conjecture in the self-avoiding random walk problem, Aust. J. Phys., 26, (1973) 207-15.

22. Fox, P.F. and Guttmann, A.J., Low temperature critical behaviour of the Ising model with spin  S > 1/2, J. Phys. C, 6, (1973) 913-31.

23. Guttmann, A.J. and Sykes, M.F., Limiting ring closure  probability index for the self-avoiding random walk problem, J. Phys. C, 6, (1973) 945-54.

24. Guttmann, A.J. and Joyce, G.S., Critical behaviour of an isotropic spin system I, J. Phys. C, 6, (1973) 2691-2712.

25. Wagenfeld, H.K., Kuhn, J. and Guttmann, A.J., X-ray dispersion corrections, Proceedings of the International Union of Crystallography Conference, Bordeaux, Sept. (1973). A

26. Guttmann, A.J. and Joyce, G.S., Critical behaviour of an isotropic spin system, Proceedings of Van der Waal’s Centennial Conference on Statistical Mechanics, Amsterdam, August (1973). A


*27. Gaunt, D.S. and Guttmann, A.J., Analysis of coefficients in series expansions, In “Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena”, Vol. 3, eds. C. Domb and M.S. Green (Academic Press, London and N.Y.), (1974) 181-243. B

28. Guttmann, A.J., An integral from statistical mechanics, S.I.A.M. Review, 16, 389 (1974). D

*29. Guttmann, A.J., Susceptibility amplitudes for the two-dimensional Ising model, Phys. Rev. 9B, 4991-2 (1974).


30. Guttmann, A.J., Derivation of “Mimic Functions” from regular perturbation expansions in fluid mechanics, J.I.M.A., 15, (1975) 307-17.

31. Guttmann, A.J., On a recent Letter by Lesk, J. Phys. A: Math.Gen. 8, (1975) L32-33.

32. Guttmann, A.J., On the recurrence relation method of series analysis, J. Phys. A.Math.Gen.8, 1081-88 (1975).

33. Guttmann, A.J., Ising model susceptibility amplitudes I. Two-dimensional lattices, J. Phys. A: Math.Gen. 8, 1236-48 (1975).

34. Guttmann, A.J., Ising model amplitudes II.  Three-dimensional lattices, J. Phys. A: Math.Gen. 8, 1249-55 (1975).

35. Guttmann, A.J., Lattice-lattice scaling and critical amplitudes for the Ising model, Proc. IUPAP Conference on Statistical Physics, Budapest, 1975, p.143. A

36. Anderssen, R.S. and Guttmann, A.J., A rationale for the numerical differentiation of experimental data, Inf. Proc. Letts., 4, (1975) 48-50.

37. Thompson, C.J. and Guttmann, A.J., Correlation length amplitudes by lattice transformation, Phys. Letts., 53A, (1975) 315-6.


38. Guttmann, A.J., Analysis of experimental specific heat data near the critical temperature I. Theory, J. Phys. C, 8, (1976) 4037-50.

39. Guttmann, A.J., Analysis of experimental specific heat data near the critical temperature II. Analysis of DAG, MnC12. 4H2. 4H2O, GdVO4 and GdA103.  J. Phys. C, 8, (1976) 4051-61.

40. Guttmann, A.J., Multi-dimensional summations in Fortran.  Software: Practice and Experience, 6, (1976) 221-224.

41. Guttmann, A.J., Programming recursively defined functions in Fortran, Int. J. Comp. and Info. Sciences, 5, (1976) 111-122. C


42. Guttmann, A.J., Programming and algorithms. This book is published by W. Heinemann & Son, London (1977). ISBN 0435 77541 3, 214 pp. Reviewed in Jnl. of Inst. of Electronics & Telecom Eng. Dec. 77, Journal of the British Comp. Soc. 1977, Applied Statistics 1978, No.1, The Statistician, June 1979, Journal of Royal Stat. Soc. A, 1978. B

43. Guttmann, A.J., Ising model amplitudes and extended lattice-lattice scaling, J. Phys. A, 10, (1977) 1911-1916.

44. Guttmann, A.J., Kim, D. and Thompson, C.J., Critical isotherm of Dyson’s hierarchical model, J. Phys. A 10, (1977) L125-8.

45. Guttmann, A.J. and Nymeyer A., A tabulation of lattice constants for weakly embeddable magnetic graphs on a number of regular lattices, Univ. of Newcastle Report 188, ISBN 07259 0264 7.


46. Guttmann, A.J., Phase transitions in two-dimensional isotropic spin systems, Proceedings of the 13th IUPAP Conference on Statistical Mechanics, Haifa, 1977, Annals of the Israel Physical Soc. 2(2), (1978) 610-13. A

47. Guttmann, A.J. and Whittington, S.G., Two-dimensional lattice embeddings of connected graphs of cyclomatic index two, J. Phys. A, 11, (1978) 721-29.

48. Guttmann, A.J. and Gaunt, D.S., On the asymptotic number of lattice animals in bond and site percolation, J. Phys. A, 11, (1978) 949-53.

49. Guttmann, A.J. and Nymeyer, A., Critical behaviour of an isotropic spin system II, J. Phys. A, 11, (1978) 1131-40.

50. Guttmann, A.J., The critical behaviour of two-dimensional isotropic spin systems, J. Phys. A, 11, (1978) 545-53.

51. Barber, M.N., Guttmann, A.J., Middlemiss, K.M., Torrie, G.M. and Whittington, S.G., Some tests of scaling theory for a self-avoiding walk, J. Phys. A, 11, (1978) 1833.

52. Gaunt, D.S. and Guttmann, A.J., A generalised form of extended lattice-lattice scaling and its relationship to the scaled equations of state with applications to the Ising model, J. Phys. A, 11, (1978) 1381-97.

53. Guttmann, A.J. and Whittington, S.G., Some tests of scaling theory for the self-avoiding walk model of a macromolecule, Proceedings of the 7th Europhysics Conference on Macromolecular Physic, Strasbourg (May 1978). A

54. Guttmann, A.J., On the zero field susceptibility in the d = 4, n = 0 limit: Analysing for confluent singularities, J. Phys.A, 11, (1978) L103-106.

55. Guttmann, A.J., Middlemiss, K.M., Torrie, G.M. and Whittington, S.G., Asymptotic behaviour of the mean-square-lengths of self-avoiding walks terminally attached to an interface, J. Chem. Phys., 69, (1978) 5375-77.

56. Guttmann, A.J. and Whittington, S.G., Self-avoiding walks in a slab of finite thickness: a model of steric stabilisation, J. Phys. A, 11, (1978) L107-110.

57. Essam, J.M., Gaunt, D.S. and Guttmann, A.J., Percolation theory at the critical dimension, J. Phys., A, 11, (1978) 1983-90.

58. van Dyke, M. and Guttmann, A.J., Computer Extension of the M2 expansion for a circle, Bull. American Physical Soc., 23, (1978) 996. A


59. Gaunt, D.S., Guttmann, A.J. and Whittington, S.G., Percolation with restricted valence, J. Phys. A, 12, (1979) 75-79.

60. Dekeyser, R., Guttmann, A.J., Rogiers, J. and Van Hoovels, I., On the derivation and analysis of the spin S X-Y model susceptibility series expansion, Physica, 95A, (1979) 339-350.

61. Whittington, S.G., Torrie, G.M. and Guttmann, A.J., The Ising model with a free surface: A series analysis study, J. Phys, A, 12, 2449-2455.