A Chicken and a Convenient Untruth (Olle)
What! A month since my last post! How could that be? Oh well, time flies.
I’ve been busy. I’ve been doing this play for Mudfest, and it went really well. A nice turn-up. I was a bit afraid of that. Filling a theatre of 390 people for 4 nights. Good luck!
Read some great books. The Lovely Bones, Downtown Owl and The Ghost’s Child. Deeply recommended. And browsed through Rowden White to get my free chocolate on the go. Can’t say no to that.
Visited IKEA and felt ridiculously Swedish again. Should have seen the check-out chick, she thought I’d buy the whole store. Swedish much? I never thought I’d miss the Swedish cuisine (it doesn’t get spicier than salt and pepper, for most part). Wrong, again. Missed my imagined identity. That’s what your nationality is, by the way. I learnt that the other week. From a smart guy called Benedict Andersen.
We all live in an illusion! There’s a convenient untruth.
Discourse, discourse, discourse… Michael Foucault really does my head in sometimes! But if you’re about to read Self and Other, or any other cultural course, you’ll hear ALL ABOUT IT! Just in case you’re sick of wordy definitions, try this metaphor:
Think of an egg and a chicken. The ideology is the chicken, the shell is the discourse. Paints up a picture at least, and we all know a picture is worth more than a thousand words. If only some lecturers would realise that…
The only passionate subject I got this semester is Professional Writing. It’s so goddamn good. Practical, useful. Everyone writes. In fact, we write quite a lot: texting, emails, occasional Facebook, maybe even Twitter… I’m new to that, but I begin to like it.
Crap, my internet quota eats up my megabytes, it almost ‘mega-hertz’. Pun intended. That’s why I haven’t been here for the last month. Well, I can at least blame the quota for now. Hopefully it won’t be another month until you hear from me again.
Cheers Olle