If You're Feeling Sinister… (Cara)


First four weeks done and dusted, everyone! Rejoice, sing glory and make your heathen sacrafices of thanksgiving. Do whatever it is that you do when you’re glad, because the first round of assignments have gone in! Oh, Science students will probably start self-righteously bleating about how they’ve been doing assessments since they were neonates, but we Arts kids know the true terror of dropping a 12-point printed sheaf of Arial (or Times New Roman, if you’re feeling racy), duly referenced and cited and painstakingly edited, through an imposing ESSAYS slot.

So. Yes. I’ve devised an on-campus recipe for cheerfulness, for when readings teeter high in wavering piles on your desk, public transport is delighting in mocking your well-meaning attempts to get anywhere, you have holes in your shoes for the the puddles to climb in, and a cough so lung-crunching that people are turning around to stare at you.

Step One: Go to Castro’s (the only reason I’d ever go near the Physics building!) and obtain a mocha. Whether you do it by sweet-talking the baristas, using your Union Handbook free coffee voucher (aha! You’d forgotten about them, hadn’t you?) or even *ouch* shelling out your hard-won cash, you must obtain one of these delights.

Step Two: Go to the Botany building. It’s guaranteed to make you be glad of this uni… and yes, I realise how ingratiating I sound there. But devour your caffeinated, artery-clogging goodness and lounge on a handy bench admiring the vine-covered delight.

Step Three: Nap heartily! Easier to do immediately if you have the delight of living on campus, true, but you could always snooze your woes away in a library, on South Lawn, or even a tram too stubborn to take you where you want to go.

Options for the final steps of the recipe get a little more specific, they might range from having your bike fixed to being given a lump of money from the government, or finding out that this week’s Psychology reading is The Doors of Perception. Whatever you fancy.

Final Step: Remember your umbrella next time you go out. Please! I’ve had too many instances (naive Perth lass that I am) of sauntering out into a sunny day only to return dripping and furious.

So, my disarmingly suave reader, enjoy the formula for joy. And have a glorious Easter. Unless you choose for whatever reason not to participate, in which case, have a simply delightful week in general.

4 thoughts on “If You're Feeling Sinister… (Cara)

  1. Actually as a Science kid, all the assignents and points-collecting thingies have either been easy or… Only a hurdle requirement (read: just have a go, it doesn’t matter if you get everything wrong!). So not that bad really 😀

    I used all my vouchers in the first week because I had almost literally no money.

    My advice: Replace Step Two “the botany building” with “The Systems Garden.” I frogging love that place. So quiet. But keep it between you and me….


  2. SHUSH! the systems garden is a big ol’ secret!

    ahh, the perks of union membership. up for free coffee all this week? HELLS YES!

    i wonder if we can introduce your type of assessment to arts… i can dream!

  3. Sounds like you have great techniques for survival.
    What can I do when am drowning in work and ‘they’ keep having “good ideas” and giving me even more to do? Free coffees and a hidey place sound good to me …

  4. ah, they have a tshirt for the systems garden now. it’s only a little bit phallic.

    i’m so annoyed about the coffee! goddammit! apparently they only give out 200 a day. to put that in context, thats 200 x $2 coffee each, if that. ok, so $400. That’s the price of 4 people joining. DAMMIT UNION, I JOINED TO BE LOOKED AFTER AND TO GET FREE CAFFEINE. WHERE IS MY LOVE?!

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