I heart holiday stress!
Stress! Hello old friend, I haven’t seen you since the exam period! What was that, a week or two ago? I have no idea really, I just know it wasn’t that long ago…
Anyway. Finally I’ve got all my results back for Semester 2, and I’ve gone and failed bloody Chemistry, haven’t I? And of course I am only able to view these results after the final day for re-enrolment. I’ve emailed my student centre, hopefully they will take pity on me, and also hopefully not slap me with a fine for not being able to see results that weren’t even posted yet ughhhhhh. A little messed up, no?
So, the Summer Semester. Basically, that translates to cramming a Semester-long subject into less than two months – in other words, one lecture everyday, and in the case of Chem 2, two tutorials a week and one 3 hour prac a week. Some holiday this turned out to be. I’m just concerned that I’m going to have to take a day or two off for events I’ve already planned – no old dead Chemist will prevent me from seeing Tool live. *shakes fist in vague direction of Europe.*
Another thing to be stressed about! During my first year of university, I’ve been paying board at my Granny’s – ie, I’ve had someone do most of the cleaning and the cooking for me. Well-p, I’m moving out possibly, into an apartment on the opposite side of the city to where I currently live and am not even slightly familiar with, with one of my favourite friends and her boyfriend (whom I don’t know that well, relatively, but he seems like a likeable geek. This I can live with.). Stress. I’ve been filling out forms like a madman, trying to make sure I don’t miss deadlines, etc. Blegh. That is all. Once I’m actually settled in, it should be good though… Here’s hoping.
Want more stress? Mum has put up a bungalow in my old home, and this is my room for when I’m not at my term address. Moving all my crap in here was hard enough, since it is quite a small room (even if I didn’t have to share with my sister), and not well enough furnished to hold all my crap. Today we went and got my belongings from my term address. So. Yeah. Basically my floor is covered. I struggle to cross my room. If I want to put it away I have to throw things out – which is extremely dumb since I’ll probably be moving by the end of the month.
Christmas. Can’t afford anything for anyone, pretty much. Yay for being a student. 🙁
Stress? You like that stuff, huh? Bit of gossip then.
Have you read any of my previous blogs, in which a total douchebag is mentioned? Total Douchebag is still total douchebag, except he’s a total douchebag trying to convince me and everyone I am close to that he is not a total douchebag. This would merely amuse me, except for the fact that I can’t work out why he’s messing with me in this manner.
That story in brief: I told him I liked him. He took advantage of this fact. He gave me nothing but epic – nay, EPIC – phonebills and a reason to not study. He pissed off to Thailand to get with one of my best friends (not that he hadn’t told me he was going to do this, basically) and proceeded to rub it in my face. One of my friends gets wind of this story, and emails him about it, angrily.
So, he contacts me all apologetically, and posts a faccebook status that apologises vaguely to someone “very dear to [him]” which makes him look like a hero amongst the people who don’t have a clue about the whole messed up situation. Douchebag returns and acts basically exactly as he did before, trying oh-so-very-hard to stay friends with me, to a point where it’s just weird.
If anyone has any kind of advice for me right now, that would be lovely. I’m going to go read a nice fantasy novel with a happy ending.
Oh no! I’m sorry about chem! Holiday stress? Tell me about it. It nearly killed me to stay up to 3am writing my exchange essay AFTER MY LAST EXAM. which side of the city are you moving to? I live in the east =p would tell you more but… *sweeps stalkers off her front porch*
Hm.. I think what you should do with Total Douchebag is be wary and not completely forgiving but not completely cold-shoulder either for 6 months if he’s still serious about being friends then maybe he does mean it. If he pisses off saying something about you being a terrible friend anyway, then he wasn’t worth it.
Fantasy novel with happy ending =D yay! Redemption of Althulus by David Eddings is a good one if you finish your current one!
After your last exam? Yeesh. 🙁
I’ve been living in the east, but will now be living in more the area of Clayton!
I really must get on to Eddings, it’s hard to get motivated to read when I have to start back at uni, in like, 2 days… *facepalm.* where did my break go….