Sin 30 degrees of the way there feat. Dumbledore's Army (Ben 10)
The following program is rated PG for Pretty Good. It contains gratuitous use of the comparative and superlative and mild text scenes. Channel Ben recommends that you read the following whilst wearing 3-D glasses in order that all the letters are colourful, and generally more aesthetically pleasing.
Ahoy there me hearties!
How are we all going? Firstly, I just wanted to apologise for not posting recently. With exams and everything, I really haven’t had the time. However, having completed my exams, I now do.
My exams went alright. Wasn’t very happy with one of them, but at least now I know that that’s a subject I don’t want to take again anytime soon 😛
It transpires that I have not posted for one month and eight days, so there is much that I must fill you in on (oh dear lord I am ending a sentence with a preposition)! So let’s start from the beginning, first bar, altogether now. Saxophones, you need to put more vibrato on those high F’s; Trombones, be careful of that dynamic change in bar 284 and please, flutes, it CLEARLY says crescendo, NOT diminuendo. Strings, accent that final G okay? We’re trying to sound awesome here.
*Cue rather inspiring generic trailer music*
*Voice drops around four octaves*
In a land… before time. One man… One mission… One desire.. Everything was right in their lives, until everything changed… FOREVER. NOW… are you ready, for the adventure of a lifetime.. Keeanu Reeves…Morgan Freeman…Drew Barrymore…In the film that will warm your heart… Sool Cpoonerisms (okay, I apologise that was an absolutely dreadful joke)
Anyway, now that my Don LaFontaine impersonation is out of the way (it is so much better when I say it, not type it, but we can use our imagination), we can continue our conversation.
Recently, I have come up with a hypothesis which I think, if I may say so myself, is utterly brilliant. I like to call it the ‘Model student’ theory and if you but give me a moment, I shall present to you my idea. Now, when we are in school, uni or attempting to do magic tricks, we are what are commonly referred to as ‘students’. Good students are referred to as ‘model students’, and that is something that ultimately, we should all aspire to be. However, numerous questions arise. What if a model student were to simply cease being a student? Does that make them a model? Furthermore, what if a model student were to stop being a model, would that just make them a student? You will observe that the word ‘student’ is actually cleverly designed to disguise two words. Those two words are ‘stud’ (supposedly the common vernacular for one who is a student, but clearly not quite an ent) and ‘ent’ (the tall tree guys from Lord of The Rings who love the environment, also known as Environment students 😛 ). Just kidding. I love the environment too, but being a Science student, I prefer helping the environment to a different ‘degree’, which is totally ‘rad’. This leads to further complications. What are your thoughts? Are you a model, a student, an affable tree or lacking the word ‘ent’ from your name? Although, Brents and Trents wouldn’t…
It’s crazy to think we’re already halfway through First Year. Wow! Time flies when you’re having fun! I’ve enjoyed every moment of it, even in subjects I found hard. From a Science student’s point of view, it’s great acquiring a better understanding and appreciation of how the world works. I have learned many new things, discovered what it is to ‘self teach’ yourself and adapted to the new environment, which is great. From a university student’s/ent’s point of view, it has also been great to meet so many new people, all with similar dreams and aspirations to achieve greatness. First Year is about truly finding your place, finding where your true abilities lie. It is so important to explore all of your options by trying to do lots of different subjects that interest you. In doing so, you can gain a realistic expectation as to whether or not you ought to do particular ones in the future. Don’t try to restrict yourself too much 🙂
I have especially enjoyed my pracs, with the exception of spilling my iodide crystals in Chemistry >< They are really enjoyable and they helped to give you a more intuitive understanding of certain aspects of the course. Certainly, this was of use in Biology where I managed to label the colon incorrectly on the diagram of a human, which should have been easy, as apparently I am one. Needless to say, I did feel pretty ‘crappy’ afterwards.
So that is that. I am very much looking forward to semester two where I can refill my brain after emptying it these holidays, catch up with my mates and make some new ones 🙂
In the meantime, I have some books and some entertaining wiki how articles to read and a need to relax.
So, in closing, good luck to all those who are still doing their exams, whether they be VCE, uni or whatever. I’ll blog some more this break to compensate for the last few weeks.
Love Ben xx
This program was brought to you by the letter pi and the square root of negative two. Yes, the author needs to get ‘real’ and be more ‘rational’. We know that. Colon, right parenthesis. (a.k.a 🙂 )
P.S. With regards to the Harry Potter reference, have any of you guys tried Pottermore? Apparentely I am in Hufflepuff, so I’m taking it pretty harsh. 😛
Give my thanks to the letter pi and the square root of negative two.
With regards to Pottermore, haha, I tried it last year…I’m in Gryffindor!
Just try to not take the Hufflepuff thing to heart…just try…
I laughed so incredibly hard at your introduction with the orchestra and the Don LaFontaine (Bless his soul) impersonation that the water I was drinking spurted out of my noise, lovely.
Glad to hear your exams went well, and you’ve made a brilliant some up of the Semester so far!
And as for Pottermore, I’m in Hufflepuff too. UNITE.
Haha, I will do so, Emily! 🙂 You’re a Gryffindor? Grrr…
Cheers Jess 😀 Oh dear, please do not choke. I wouldn’t want that. Nor would I want your ‘noise’ spraying out any more water 😉
Thanks ^^ Hope that yours are going well, too. Good luck Monday!
Yay! Another Hufflepuff! See Emily, you wouldn’t want to rub the fact in, or you might get challenged to a two versus one duel. Needless to say, that would be rather unfair.
Congrats on surviving exams 😛 also, I’m a Ravenclaw 😉 but my name is BloodMagic161, it sounds like a Slytherin name 😀
Haha, thanks Monique! Same to you. A Ravenclaw, eh? Well that’s okay then. It’s only the Gryffindors of whom I am jealous. 😀
Funny…I’m jealous of the Ravenclaws…:P I got a hat stall between all four houses and I picked Ravenclaw…and the hat put me in Gryffindor :/….whyyy?