
  1. Welcome To The Monkey House (Jeremy)

    I can almost picture it. Over one hundred years ago, a group of men sat around a table, preferably each sporting a decent amount of facial hair (as was the fashion at the time) and perhaps a monocle just to complete the picture. They were setting up what eventually became the Australian Football League, and […]

  2. The Crammer’s Guide to SWOTVAC (Sophie)

    I just taught myself a Semester’s worth of Accounting in 3 days. Yes…during SWOTVAC you start to have regrets – i.e I THOUGHT I had Accounting under control…only to realise that in reality I had no idea how to even do a basic ledger account, let alone what the difference was between a Statement of […]

  3. Angry Man and other crazy antics. (Rick)

    I’m not sure how my other fellow bloggers write their entries, but I never do it all in one go. I’m fortunate enough to be able to write this post in my room, after my brother has been not doing his homework at home, so now I’ve got this computer for a while. It’s also […]

  4. The 100 Monkeys/100 Typewriters guide to SWOT Vac (Jeremy)

    WELL, folks, it’s that time of year. Time for the lecturers to actually breathe, sleep and eat and possibly even see other people (though I personally don’t like the idea of them ever having a social life) before exam week. Time for our relatives to all put up with having unwashed, smelly first-year students at […]

  5. y = mx + c, while G.A = Personal Fury (Sophie)

    By G.A, I mean Group Assignments. I should have known better. Just because your group SEEMS to have it ‘together’ doesn’t mean that members will not stuff up. Now the majority of people did their thing well but in a group of 6, about 2 wrote their delegated parts up without bearing in mind TQM […]

  6. I think? (Lara)

    I made a decision. Well….I think I made it. On advice from the head of my course, counsellors, and a few other people… I have been withdrawn from all 4 of my exams. This is as to not jeopardise my future academic/working career. However…somehow the option that became decided, not concretely (not a word but […]

  7. Amendment: The good time of uni and law (Jim)

    Sorry to readers that i have been “sooking too much” most of the time. My experiences so far have been wonderful. let me unravel these to u in particular The educational side and social side. Getting back to my old “habit’, the reason i complaint too much is that it is easy to find faults […]

  8. Being Jez (Jeremy)

    EVERY Friday afternoon, tucked deep away in the far corner of that anonymous brown monolith that we call the Arts Building (the one on the corner of Grattan and Swanston), sat high on the sixth level, staring over the traffic and the people, roughly fifteen artistic, bohemian sort-of-people, attempt to have a French Discussion class. […]

  9. Screaming in silence (Sophie)

    Excuse the horrid emo style title of this post but I feel the following word requires some sort of emo style emotion – *EXAMS*� Because of this word I will be in a fairly strong hibernation over the next 3 or so weeks. I’ll try to get some updates in but they will be irregular […]

  10. The Unofficial Guide To First Year (Jeremy)

    “Actually”, said Mum, as we lounged out around the sofa sometime in February, “What I’m really looking foward to this year is seeing you work for the first time in two and a half years.” “WHAT?” I yelled in response. Actually, my mouth was half-full of Vegemite Savoy at the time, so what I really […]

Number of posts found: 138