A Thank You From The Bottom Of My Heart (Lara)
Ahh talk about blog rejection!! Must have meant I was studying uber hard…or had lots to do… haha sort of. I’d like to think so anyway 😛 Well where do I start :O I guess the last few weeks of college. Val dinner was lots of fun; it’s always so nice to see everyone at […]
what now? (Jim)
SO the yr 12s received their results. Hope it is good news. If not u can always work hard and change course next year. 🙂 u should speak to ur career advisor if u need help. maybe even call up uni course coordinator to seek info. Furthermore if u are unsure of ur career path, […] -
Monday Morning (Chris)
Do you know what’s odd? I’ve finished this year, in many respects, in a similar way to how I started it. I’m tired, very much overworked, a little hung over, but full of nervous excitement. I might leave most of the reflection on how much has changed / stayed the same for another entry. What […]
Hopefully not The End of An Era (Sophie)
So it’s a Saturday afternoon and I am feeling rather reflective while being on just a couple of hours sleep. I have been extraordinarily busy, and am rather looking forward to Monday…make that Tuesday, where I can spend a day doing absolutely nothing! Despite being so busy I am in wonderful spirits due to some […]
Anybody Here? (Johanna)
Almost Christmas. Come to the Christmas department at Myer and buy things, preferrably from me. On second thoughts, don’t. I’ve only had three shifts and I still don’t know how to use the cash registers properly. It seems silly to use ‘Christmas’ as a descriptor, seeing as it is made up of “Christ” and “mass” […]
Picking Up the Pace (Johanna)
Classes are over, and there is nothing that I have to think about anymore. It’s strange – one day after handing in my last assignment, I was laying on the couch thinking, “How am I going to handle moments like this where there is nothing pressing, nothing to be done?”. I suppose I’m used to […]
Red-letter day, black heart (Sophie)
Well, I know at the very least I am due for an update on here – especially considering my last post which was when I was definitely worse for wear compared to my usual self. It has been a pretty difficult last week and a half. Fate did intervene in some respect and I don’t […]
Like a wave that must come crashing down… (Sophie)
Had Accounting today. Went really shit. I’m so disappointed. I studied SO HARD for it….I went in, and everything just crashed. The first question was of the type I has been struggling with (and consequently spent hours practicing). I didn’t have enough room to do workings and so I stuggled to do a page’s worth […]
Gee golly gosh, I don’t think I’ve had such a weight off my shoulders since I finished the HSC. All of my assessments are done, everything handed in to the best of my rushed-to-finish-do-tutors-really-care-about-word-count standard. I’m reasonably happy, but as always, I won’t really know until the lovely Thursday of December 7th. I am aiming […] -
I want to get away…to Fly Away (Sophie)
It is so amazing how exams seems to hit you right BAM SMACK in the middle of “more important things”. This semester has been no exception from the rule. I am glad that I am generally the kind of person who thrives on high stress environments, because life always seems to put me on it’s […]
Number of posts found: 138