February 10th, 2011 – Watching seconds change to minutes change to hours (Will)
Okay it has become extreamly apparent that time is slowing down. The wait for the 19th (moving day to Whitley) is starting to take its toll on my mind. I woke up this morning with the idea of doing as much as possible to fill in time. I decided hey I’ll vaccum the house, do […] -
February 9th, 2011, (part 2) – The long, long road to university (Will)
Okay so now I’ve ranted on about my personal life and have survived my dogs recent fart that makes you gag from the pit of your stomach I believe its time to talk about the climb up to uni. Am I the only person that is actually wishing my life away (only 2 weeks) so […]
February 9th, 2011, (part 1) – Who am I, what is my identity (Will)
Greetings, my name is Will. I am one of the first year bloggers of 2011. So anyway first of all I’m going to tell you a little about myself. I come from a small town called Charlton, you may know where it is these days because it became like 82% submerged by the 2011 floods […] -
Ramblings of a Bemused First Year (Part 2 – The Centrelink Rant) (Nae)
Okay so here I am on hold to Centrelink who are just my favourite people in the world (Hint of sarcasm there?) I know I know people in 3rd World countries would love to have our system, and I do appreciate it. BUT, I am currently on hold to them because they just sent me […] -
Hurrah, hurrah! Oh, wait…(Silvia)
Yes, I’m ecstatic! My timetabling troubles are OVER… for this semester, at least. But I managed to fit all my classes into lovely slots (though Wednesdays are going to be a killer) and I even have a day off, yay! Even better, I’ll have time for lunch. No-one misses lunch. It’s the best meal of […]
Ramblings of a Bemused First Year (Part 1) (Nae)
I could just squeal I am so happy. I finally rearranged a timetable that ACTUALLY FITS IN WITH MY WORK AND THE LIFE I PRETEND TO HAVE =D *dances* So I should probably introduce myself before I go into my usual rants. You may disregard my excitement above for a formal introduction: Hello my name […]
Thrown on a tram (Silvia)
So hi, I’m Ouroboros, one of the 2011 bloggers, nice to meet you š It’s probably best I introduce myself first, so you get a good idea of what I’m like before I plunge into my sad story (so that you’ll sympathise with me and not my cruel, cold-blooded friends).Ā I’m eighteen years old and […]
Tales of a First Year Physics Lab Rat (~jinghan)
A littleĀ reminiscingĀ story I wrote for the Physics Student Society orientation week Maglet* the ElectroMAG. Thought you might also like to read it. ^^ Enjoy! Chapter 1: The First Day Once upon a time there lived a little lab rat named Jingy. One day little lab rat Jingy heads off in what she thought was the […]
Chapter Fourty-Three: Homefree (~jinghan)
You wouldn’t think it would be too different, but having a holiday as a uni student feels profoundly different to having a holiday after a year of school. I think it comes down to that extra bit of freedom. Clumsily trundling my way out of exam period I found that I could not stand the […]
A quick note on Summer Semester, from a very lazy student.
Helloooooo out there, whoever may be reading! I see that the tertiary offers are out. If you were going for something, then I hope you got what you were after! (and if you’ve gotten into Melbourne Uni… You’re probably going to love it here. I know I do. Even if I do do a half-assed […]
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