
  1. Back to school (Jennifer)

    Thank Christ for the non-examination period. I mean, literally, because it was Easter and everything, but also figuratively, because we are now a quarter of the way through the year. Bangin'...

  2. Perrrsil small an migh'y (Natty)

    It’snd of the Easter holidays (nearly) and I cannot wait to get the term started again! Sorry to anyone who’s feeling fed up about having to go back to lectures and stuff… I’ve had a good holiday but living on your own gets BORING when you haven’t got a structured day to keep you occupied. […]

  3. 2 days left

    our freedom is slowly dwindling, gosh i hate the idea of going back for the rest of the semester. Its times like these i wish i was still in high school – that way we had fourteen days off instead of a measly seven :|. Don’t get me wrong i want to go back to […]

  4. Uh-Oh [ASH]

    When we were first told of the rules of writing on the blog, one was that ‘you can have a b***h/rant about anything that you want’ (not directly quoting of course). At first (as uni was going s’well) I thought, “What would I have to complain about?” Now its like, “What isn’t there to complain […]

  5. Vegetable extravaganza (Natty)

    Thank god daylight saving. I am sat up waiting for my mum to ring from the UK and this daylight saving whatsit makes it a bit more manageable in terms of having to get out of bed in the morning. The UK is now only 9 hours behind… actually, that means it’s 2pm over there… […]

  6. Uncomfortable truths (Peech)

    God, I love this blog! It’s so important to keep multiple lines of procrastination open. Right now, I should be preparing for my super exploratory dissection prac for next week. It’s 6 hours (in lots of 3) and involves… well… you get a dog corpse and then cut it open to see if all the […]

  7. Yay, I'm updating! [Daniel]

    Oh man am I tired from the term. I cannot wait for next week to be over. Even though I am an Art’s student I’ve been so exhausted by just…. everything, talking especially. I don’t feel like the O-week introductions are over yet, I mean sure I know people in some lectures and in tutorials […]

  8. The Kübler-Ross-Jennifer model for beginning university

    ...To quote the inimitable Patti Smith, "I think I'm constantly in a state of adjustment". Granted, my 'adjustment' is far less mind-blowing than Patti's 'Because the Night' and her ensuing rock 'n' roll shenanigans, but whatever. I only know about five quotes, and, you know, Voltaire seems a little hyperbolic for a blog.

  9. wednesday night

    if you weren’t lucky enough to see the singing ‘Melbourne Model’ students hand out flyers for the second season of their show a few weeks ago – you missed out. Having said that, a few of my friends and i were just a tad exited about the prospect of a musical devoted solely to the […]

  10. Only one week 'til easter! (Natty)

    I’m feeling skittish… I’ve just written the first drafts of three poems and feel like I’m in the creative writing twilight zone or something. La la la. I love it when you can just sit down and write for a couple of hours and everything just sort of comes in an easy stream of imagination. Fantastic! […]

Number of posts found: 506