

    "Fear not comrades, for the time is nigh', where we will go to battle! Look not towards the coming bloodshed, but to the prize: the light ahead of this dark abyss."

  2. I like that boom boom pow!

    Hahaha.. This entry has absolutely nothing to do with the song.. Except that I love it totally.. And am addicted to it! Swot Vac Day 1 Surprisingly: Procrast-free! Did some solid studying, went for the Bio revision lecture (which btw was very helpful!).. Went down Elgin St. to return borrowed stuff from the costume shop. […]

  3. Updating!

    It’s really not funny to have forgotten your password not once, not twice, but 6 times on a blogging website. No fun at all… no siree. So life at uni so far…. Pretty good, a bit crazy with assignments flying in from all directions (that was today) but after this week I’ll be all calm […]

  4. ARGH!! (Natty)

    Ok, rant mode on BIG TIME. I am SICK of ecological history of humanity! It is a stupid stupid stupid STUPID subject and I hate it!! Grrr I want to rip up the stupid reader and throw it around my flat in a fit of irritation. I just got a circular email from the head […]

  5. Swift versus Swine: two epidemics (Jennifer)

    Taylor Swift is inescapable. Mass media, department stores, even a taxi I was in the other night. Cafés are the worst. Oh yeah, baby, Taylor Swift makes me want to order another coffee—I mean, vomit over the laminex tabletop. Whatever. The Swift juggernaut has apparently exploded—just like swine 'flu, except more people are immune to Love Story.

  6. 7 out of 10? (Natty)

    Thank god week 9 is over! I havn’t posted in ages due to a stack of assignments and stress. I am in the clearing now or whatever the expression is, I’m sure worrying about uni work for the last 2 weeks has had a detrimental affect on my vocabulary. If you poke me perhaps I’ll […]

  7. Baa! (Peech)

    I’ve got a few half-started posts for this which went absolutely nowhere! So I haven’t written in a while. I wish I could say that I’ve been devoting the time I would have spent blogging on super-useful stuff like exam study, but I feel itchy sometimes when I lie. *scratchscratch* My head hurts from peering […]

  8. Yo! {Daniel}

    I’m dead. Well not completely but I will be, come this Monday. Either from not handing in my assessment pieces or  from having completed them. It’s not that I have a lot, or that they’re really hard, just this week I’m kinda really really busy. Well by week I mean today, tomorrow, the weekend then […]

  9. don't be afraid to ask (Natty)

    Wow. These past couple of days (actually weeks) have been like an emotional roller coaster for me. Living by myself finally lost it’s newness and appeal and things all went wrong. I got really lonely and miserable and I’ve let myself get behind with my work and all sorts of random little things which need […]

  10. "Here's Danny" (Daniel)

    Hey everyone, wassup? It’s already been 3 whole days of uni and I’ve already been licked up like Wizz Fizz back to university life. For example, on Monday I had a mid semester exam followed by a movie night at a friend’s place in Medley college (to save on metcards), woke up (Tuesday) missed the […]

Number of posts found: 506