Category: Clubs & campus activities

  1. Prosh Week!

    Well, SOMEHOW I ended up in a prosh team. For the first time M-ASS (the Melbourne Arts Students Society) had a team. Most of the week there were 4 of us… hilarious because we were still trying despite having NO chance of winning. By Thursday our team leader (a guy who’d actually left uni but […]

  2. Bittersweet sights

    Well, eveyone’s been talking one thing – it’s PROSH WEEK. And I dunno what the heck it means and from what I have witnessed, it’s just some fun filled activities and some which really goes over the limit. It’s been a long period since I wrote a blog here, so I shall blame it on […]

  3. Double-bookings

    You know, one of the things that is most annoying about university is that there is no longer a standardised timetable of events that everyone attends. This means that most weeks there are multiple places I need/want to be at the same time, and unfortunately, only one of me. For instance, next Wednesday is both […]

  4. Hi! My first blog ever…

    Firstly; my excuse for never having written before = email black hole (like where all my socks go… but online) AND laziness. SO, now I am starting. And second up will be my introduction: My name is Anouska. I’m a first year doing straight arts at Melbourne 🙂 My subjects are Psychology (which I’m hoping […]

  5. Another to-do list (Suzanne)

    1. Start practising again. Gah, it’s so bad. From last Thursday to this Thursday, there have been three days where I didn’t practise at all, two days where I practised less than I was supposed to, and only two days where I practised what I normally do. It’s just that so much has happened this […]

  6. Is it true that…(Kripa)

    (i) only union members are allowed to use the toilets in the basement of the union house? (ii) only union members are allowed to take water from the drinking fountain from the union house? (iii) only union members are allowed to read the magazine ‘Farrago’? If yes, I’ve been unknowingly violating the first and third […]

  7. Why I feel like a nerd (Suzanne)

    It has recently occurred to me how few things I do outside of school now that music is actually my main academic thing rather than extra-curricular. Basically, my day looks like this: Learn solfege for Aural Studies. Go to lectures. Practise. Go to rehearsal. Practise. Go to another lecture. Start law reading. Get distracted during […]

  8. Someone's out to get me (Zoë)

    Today there was a death threat on my answering machine. Honestly. Somone is “watching my every move”, and I’m going to be killed very soon. Hold the 000 call, folks. It’s all part of a game we’re playing at college called Assassins. Basically, everyone has a target who they have to “kill” (no actual violence […]

  9. Not quite Cinderella (Zoë)

    Last night was the Ormond Ball. I don’t want to sound too negative, but basically it was a waste of $60. A ball sounds really sophisiticated and elegant, but it was just a night at a club, which really isn’t my thing. If I’d known it was going to be like that, I would have […]

  10. Give me back my gorilla

    Ok so World’s Greatest Shave took place at uni last week. There was a good turnout of people and an even more astounding number of people getting their heads shaved! At one point there was almost a fight over a razor. It was also an afternoon of freebies! Free pizza and free drinks, and of […]

Number of posts found: 192