Category: Finding help at uni

  1. It's not my fault… I don't think (Silvia)

    Job-hunting is going swellingly! Not really, I think it goes how job-hunting usually goes. Quiet and desperate, kind of like a little starved mouse zooming about in a maze and trying to sniff out the cheese in the middle. So far, it hasn’t been a huge success and after celebrating another day in our beloved […]

  2. Hurrah, hurrah! Oh, wait…(Silvia)

    Yes, I’m ecstatic! My timetabling troubles are OVER… for this semester, at least. But I managed to fit all my classes into lovely slots (though Wednesdays are going to be a killer) and I even have a day off, yay! Even better, I’ll have time for lunch. No-one misses lunch. It’s the best meal of […]

  3. Applications Now Open for 2011 Orientation Host Program

    If you are a current UniMelb student and would like to be an Orientation Host in 2011 please follow the three steps below. 1. Applications to be a host are now open, so please take a moment to read the applications page at and then click on the link to apply via the database […]

  4. Felt that someone other than Jinghan should contribute for once.

    On the topic of Stalkerspace, and crappy course advice.

  5. "I hope you're happy in the end" (Pris)

    I’ve had an epiphany. A bad one. At a bad time. I think this is bad. I don’t think I like my course. I like uni. I like the people and the environment and the freedom (although, I am beginning to miss structure. I’m such a procrastinator!). I like the campus and the city. I […]

  6. On stupid motivation, stupid twisties, stupid calculus.

    And I don't even like twisties.

  7. How to: Fail A Subject.

    Ever gotten sick of doing well in all your classes? Ever felt that something was missing in your perfect life? I can help you. Prepare to meet Shannon’s AMAZIN’-FAIL Kit. Using the latest in technology and utilising years of research, Shannon is bringing to you something never before seen in stores. All your dreams can […]

  8. First Year Transition Drop-In Sessions

    As a number of recent posts on this blog indicate, it appears that a lot of you are feeling a bit overwhelmed with starting University. If you bloggers are feeling a bit daunted by it all chances are a lot of other first year students are as well.  So I  thought I would write a short post to let both bloggers and […]

  9. How do you pronounce 'Baillieu', anyway?

    Oh, the title’s unrelated, but a pressing concern. I’ve heard a few too many variations. Okay. Well. Trinity are having a HUGE party next door tonight. On a Thursday. ‘Fair enough’, I hear you cry, ‘It’s Seniors’ Return Turn’, or some such. But they seem to have forgotten the fact that they have neighbours. Who […]

  10. O Week is coming… get ready to meet our new bloggers!

    Orientation is just around the corner, and we’ll soon have a big group of new bloggers telling you all about it, so stay tuned! In the meantime, if you’re a new student at the University of Melbourne and still don’t know what’s going on at Orientation, or haven’t got yourself organised for the week yet, […]

Number of posts found: 62