Category: Hobbies & sport

  1. “Only you beneath the moon and under the sun…” (Johanna)

    A line from one of my favourite songs, Night and Day by Ella Fitzgerald. It gets double points for being written by Cole Porter too. Gosh how I love musicals. Anyway, the title of this post doesn’t really mean anything – I just wanted to try to convey the rhythmic goodness and lovely slinkiness of […]

  2. Another day where time is the only answer (Sophie)

    This weekend has been a bit quieter than usual but nevertheless very enjoyable. Tennis consumed a lot of my spare time between working down at the club and playing Sunday Social Comp at Melbourne Uni. After such a long break over last year due to Year 12 commitments I am slowly attempting to get back […]

  3. Happy Tacos (Johanna)

    I feel alright. Not so great, but not wanting to jump out the window either. Last night, Matthew was my saviour. Matthew is my boyfriend of a year and a half, and he lives in Geelong, doing 5th year Arts/Law at Deakin University. There is about 90 minutes between us, rather than 9 before I […]

  4. The Calming (Rick)

    I’m just starting to feel things are calming down at Uni. The workload at university is intense, but somehow, you seem to get used to it. In the second week I was able to catch up on some reading I missed out on. (Due to looking out for second hand text books) It must be […]

  5. More reflecting on the past – Week One (Rick)

    The Saturday before, we went to the beach at Anglesea. We played beach cricket. I was one of the first to jump in the water as I find it hard to watch the water at the beach and not go for a swim in fairly cold water. One of the guys in our group was […]

  6. The Most Important Things (Johanna)

    Warning to all – when you attend welcome sessions and transition workshops, there are a couple of very important things that they forget to tell. A basic rule I have now learnt is: wear comfortable shoes to uni. There is a hell of a lot of walking around to be done. I thought I was […]

Number of posts found: 96