“Only you beneath the moon and under the sun…” (Johanna)

A line from one of my favourite songs, Night and Day by Ella Fitzgerald. It gets double points for being written by Cole Porter too. Gosh how I love musicals. Anyway, the title of this post doesn’t really mean anything – I just wanted to try to convey the rhythmic goodness and lovely slinkiness of the song, but words failed.

Guess what! My week of bad luck came to an apex… actually I haven’t quite described my bad-luck-week yet. In short, I poked myself in the eye with the corner of a piece of paper, I alienated my philosophy tutor, I *still* haven’t handed in my archaeology assignment even though it was due on Thursday, I managed to ruin a new pair of black silk stockings, Isaac was glaring at me and being horrible again, etc etc etc. Then, on Friday I was gripped by a sudden desire to cook – so I made some little spinach and feta pies in a Texan muffin tray. They tasted fabulous, but tragedy struck when I was chopping the spinach – I sliced through my finger. It was a pretty deep cut and I almost fainted when it first happened and it just started gushing blood. I think I cut through an artery, because there was a rhythm to the blood flow that matched my pulse. So it was all highly dramatic and I should have gotten stitches but didn’t because I was too scared.

Alas.. the only tutor that I thought was relatively cool and got along relatively well now hates me. I’m not exactly sure whether he does or not (he could be angry, nonplussed, or even feeling rejected) but I do know that I have alienated him to the point where emails from him are curt and abrupt. He invited me to his office to hand back my essay, and during the brief interview, the other tutor in his office started talking to me. At first it was blatantly obvious flirting, but once he discovered that I was well and truly attached, we started talking. Not just talking, but getting along like two old friends… it was actually the happiest thing that had happened to me at university so far – somebody being friendly and talking to me! Alas, my tutor started being incredibly unappreciative of my presence and I eventually dragged myself away, despite the other tutor asking a new question or bringing up one last topic each time I tried to leave. So, I have alienated my favourite tutor. *sigh* Not a good feeling.

I went home on the weekend and spent most of my time moping in my pajamas, knitting, eating real food, sulking and being an absolute shadow on everybody elses day. However, I got to see my friends! Ingrid, Elke and I went out and ate nachos, potachos and churros at Mexican Grafitti and then laughed until we felt sick. We came up with a concept for a game show – “Food or Bjork?”. (Bjork, as much as I love her, is unfortunately the euphemism of choice for vomit here). The object of the game is to show a meal to an unsuspecting person and ask them whether it’s food or bjork. If they think it’s food, then they have to eat it for $5. If the food was originally bjork, it’s now doubly bjorked…… probably makes no sense, but it was so hilarious at the time. We stumbled up the street like we were drunk (we weren’t – simply relishing the experience of being a teenage girl), and met Matthew at the cinema where we saw “V for Vendetta”. I adored it.. it struck a chord with me. Afterwards, I had plans of cosying up to Matt at the Bended Elbow (quaintest pub ever), but it was not to be – we ended up under the harsh fluorescence at McDonalds. However, our friend Nathan visited us there, albeit briefly, so it wasn’t a complete waste of a destination.

Nobody here knows me, so I might as well give a little history. In Year 11, I played the lead in the only school play my school ever did that was worth mentioning, George Orwell’s “Nineteen Eighty-Four”. I played Julia, a fiery, headstrong but naive idealist, opposite Winston (played by a girl, which was an interesting experience). At the time, the role consumed me. I have never played a role before or afterwards which I put so much into, and it took so much from me.. I felt like I was a different person as soon as the lights went up, and it would take me hours afterwards to shake off the character. So, needless to say.. the play, the story, the idea all mean a lot to me, and it was nice to see them repeated in “V for Vendetta”.

I still haven’t handed in my Archaeology assignment. I can deal with the 5% penalty I’ll now have to bear, but it’s just the whole idea of handing in something that’s not perfect that I can’t bear. I had to do it for Philosophy, but I conceded defeat on that one because I decided that it is impossible to write a good 500 word essay. I got a 73 on it, and was completely crushed.. it’s so strange to come down from getting A+’s to suddenly having to deal with only slightly above average.

Anyway, it’s 1:35am and I have to wake up in about 6 hours… goodnight.

3 thoughts on ““Only you beneath the moon and under the sun…” (Johanna)

  1. Maybe your tutor felt jilted that you had this deep fantastic conversation with someone else while he was in the room. I know I personally get a bit upset if people talk in front of me and don’t include me in the conversation. It seems very rude to the person being excluded.

    Perhaps you could send him a little email apologising if he felt any offense or uncomfortability during the scenario and explain that he is your favourite tutor and you hate the feeling that there is now a ‘weirdness’ between you.

    Also maybe explain that you have been having a bit of a tough time and so you really appreciated the other tutor being so friendly and taking an interest in you when so far you have found most people at uni to be quite unfriendly?

    If he is a nice person he should understand and come around if he sees that you weren’t trying to be intentionally rude and you are appreciative of him.

    Sorry for such a long comment. Hope it didn’t sound like I was lecturing!

    Take care.

    P.S maybe he also disliked the other tutor for some reason which made him annoyed you were having a great convo with him? lol.

  2. She’s good.

    Only value I could add to Sophie’s advice is that you could do it in person after a tutorial. It is very easy to misinterpret an email and convey the wrong message (Sophie, just to make sure, Rudy is fictional hehe). The other point is that you be careful, you’ve got a great relationship with your boyfriend by the sounds of it and blatantly obvious flirting…

    Also, it pays to keep your wits about you. There is a longstanding perception that first year ‘fresh meat’ is easy because, coming in from such a different enviroment, they look up to and idealise tutors and seasoned students and develop attachments – you do not want to put yourself in this position as it can be compromising, and there are people out there who are shamelessly emotionally manipulative as I’m sure you’d know.

    As for getting crushed by a 73, don’t let it get to you love. I was one of those pretentious “I got 99.xx” hacks, and managed a personal best in QM1 – 67 :mrgreen: The marking scales are just different standards – for example, an average above 75 would get you into exchange at most overseas institutions.

    Well must fly…it’s wabbit…uh I mean breakfast season 😉


  3. Good advice.. I think. While I was very distraught about the thought of my favourite tutor hating me, now it seems like such a huge undertaking to bring it up – it did happen a week ago, after all. I guess I’ll see him in class tomorrow, and I can better gauge whether or not he’s mad or something. But thank you for all the advice.. I was a brat, but it just felt so lovely to have somebody want to talk to me and be nice to me. We didn’t really mean to exclude Zach, but he was sort of reading in the corner and typing emails and being a bit.. sulky. Oh well.. we’ll see, and I’ll tell the result!

    The 73.. *sigh* I’m alrightish with it now.. I know I could have done a lot better if the word limit had have allowed. So, now all my hopes rest of the mark for my next essay!

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