Category: Study
Turning the corner (Zoë)
Halfway there – two subjects completely finished, and two more to go. I don’t feel as satisfied as I thought I would – maybe tomorrow when it’s 3:1. Yesterday I handed in my Cinema Studies final essay – two days early, which was quite an achievement. I wanted to get it out of the way […]
Number 13 – The end is near (Georgie)
Three subjects down, one to go. I’ll be free by this
Number 12 – Procrastinating (Georgie)
Q – You know what? I was slightly jealous of myself, I couldn’t believe my luck, exams over by the end of swotvac! But now, my extreme aptitude for procrastination has forced my three essays to all be last minute ones, and I’m not liking my position at the moment. Exams vs. Essays – anyone […]
These are the people in your neighbourhood (Zoë)
This afternoon I went for a walk. It’s something I try to do everday during exam time, because the exercise helps me to think, and I can take my flash cards with me (although whether or not I look at them is another matter). When you’ve been sitting at your desk all day, it’s really […]
Exams, homesickness, and toothache (Suzanne)
This morning I woke up, and not only had I woken up too late to get breakfast from the dining hall, but the whole of my gums underneath my lower left set of molars was swollen and painful. This happens because my wisdom teeth are growing in but don’t have the space to do it, […]
Update on my oh so interesting life (Georgie)
Work: Doncaster A&R closed down so am now just a company casual. So far have had a few calls to work and have gotten a few shifts at chaddy and camberwell. Been for an interview at Borders on Lygon – unsucessful. Interviews suck. Was complaining to a friend about my joblesssness and now I’m at […]
It's like fun, only boring (Zoë)
Want a break from studying, but feel guilty about it? Fellow Chemistry students, I have found the answer to all our problems. It’s a quiz on the internet, which appears to be fun to our internet-addicted brains, even if it’s not. And it’s way more productive than staring at a textbook. Happy
Download limits, and why they suck. (Suzanne)
My college gives us 1GB of downloads per semester for our internet connection. If we use more than our download limit, we pay 5c per MB for the excess. I spend far more time than is healthy reading random articles on Wikipedia and compulsively checking my email. Long story short, I am going to be […]
A few Facebook groups… (Suzanne)
…that I’ve joined lately include ‘My education is getting in the way of my learning’, ‘I’ve thought about dropping out of law school at least ten times today’ and ‘Every time you write parallel fifths, Bach kills a kitten’. Now, that last group has absolutely no relevance to what I’m going to talk about in […]
Time and relative dimensions in space (Zoë)
Yesterday in my HPS lecture we watched part of an episode of The Simpsons that dealt with time travel, as that’s our topic at the moment. Part of me just had to kick myself – watching The Simpsons in class? Isn’t uni great? Of course, that’s just one class, and it was only one moment. […]
Number of posts found: 414