Category: Study

  1. I Hate Spanish (Georgie)

    I hate Spanish.

  2. Closing in ..

    The xams for this semester are nearing and I really have this uncomfortable feeling in me coz I dunno what to expect..And what’s more, I haven’t even started learning..and not revising! The problem is that all the assingnments are due in the last few weeks and when do we get time to actually start learning […]

  3. Another to-do list (Suzanne)

    1. Start practising again. Gah, it’s so bad. From last Thursday to this Thursday, there have been three days where I didn’t practise at all, two days where I practised less than I was supposed to, and only two days where I practised what I normally do. It’s just that so much has happened this […]

  4. Yawwwwn. (Suzanne)

    My college PPL tutor says that once the assignments all get handed in, law students just start to drift. Without the stress of looming deadlines, they decide to relax, showing up to fewer classes, putting less effort into note-taking, and ignoring the cases that they have to read for lectures. Almost all of them forget […]

  5. Number 9 – New Plan (Georgie)

    My grand plan last time I left you: to become an expert on the topic for my tute that week so as to be able to discuss (hopefully intelligently) ‘The Rise of Conservatism’. Result: Extra reading did not help that much because in the USA Today tutes we talk more about contemporary issues than looking […]

  6. Swallowing a texbook is hard to do…

    Listening to: “Pretty Vacant” – The Sex Pistols Feeling: Relieved Surfing: This blog! It’s amazing what study can do. No, really. I studied so much last week. More than I’ve ever studied before in my life (though I’m sure I’ve said that line a few times before). I was never a “study” person back in […]

  7. Back to the Present

    (Sigh)…those dreamy days are gone and now, we are back to the usual monotonous days of uni classes. I was all ready with all the revision in my head and those are just vanishing from my head right now as I am burdened with assignments due god knows when. First my research paper, I had […]

  8. Number 8 – Feeling Dumb (Georgie)

    Here’s the problem with Melbourne Uni. Not to sound conceited or anything, but at high school I was one of the smart ones. So if I thought someone’s comments were rubbish in class I could just discount them and be like ‘they don’t know what they’re talking about’. I was also the queen of essay […]

  9. Failing miserably to think of a witty post title (Zoë)

    The Easter break has been good, if a little too short. Can you believe NSW gets three whole weeks? I did my assignments and caught up on my work, but also managed to spend a lot of time lying around on the lawn reading Stephen King. It was really nice just to be back at […]

  10. Essays should write themselves. Seriously. (Suzanne)

    ^ Need I say more? Anyway, I’ve gotten absolutely nothing from the list on my last post done except number 1, my Principles of Public Law research essay draft, which took me all week and still sucks. Clearly, I am not cut out for legal research, which has been this huge drain on all my […]

Number of posts found: 414