Category: Uncategorized

  1. A Well-Timed Surge of Confidence! (Johanna)

    Ergh, it can’t be time to go back to school yet. I’m not ready – these holidays haven’t been the blissful void I wished for. I have got a lot done, but there is still a lot of work to be done. On Sunday I had my first real acting audition. It’s strange – somebody […]

  2. Hello Hello! (Lara)

    Well I’ve been back from Warrnambool/Melbourne for a while, but its holidays so I don’t really have many things uni-related to report on. 😛 Hmmm. Wellll.. Joe came to Sydney for a bit before Christmas which was fun, then around Christmas I went to Wodonga to be with relatives then caught the train to Melbourne […]

  3. Burning Down The House (Chris)

    In 6 days I have no home. In 9 days I fly back to Sydney. In 22 days I return to Melbourne. I have no idea what I will be coming back to.

  4. The Race…Is On! (Sophie)

    I know I have been fairly quiet for a while now….have been working a lot, preparing for 2007 (club commitements ect), and trying to spend as much time as possible with family and friends… However I had to announce my sheer excitement at how the US 2008 Presidential Campaign race is shaping up – with […]

  5. Happy Days (Chris)

    Craziest month ever. I’ll elaborate further when I can, but so much work and house hunting has rotted my brain. Two important things though: my play that was shortlisted for the Melbourne Short and Sweet festival is being performed at the Sydney incarnation! The Sydney one is bigger and the original, so I’m very happy. […]

  6. In case you’re bored… (Lara)

    Check out this site: I’m off to Warrnambool then Melbourne for the next week, hope your holidays are going well! Lara xox

  7. A Thank You From The Bottom Of My Heart (Lara)

    Ahh talk about blog rejection!! Must have meant I was studying uber hard…or had lots to do… haha sort of. I’d like to think so anyway 😛 Well where do I start :O I guess the last few weeks of college. Val dinner was lots of fun; it’s always so nice to see everyone at […]

  8. what now? (Jim)

    SO the yr 12s received their results. Hope it is good news. If not u can always work hard and change course next year. 🙂 u should speak to ur career advisor if u need help. maybe even call up uni course coordinator to seek info. Furthermore if u are unsure of ur career path, […]

  9. Monday Morning (Chris)

    Do you know what’s odd? I’ve finished this year, in many respects, in a similar way to how I started it. I’m tired, very much overworked, a little hung over, but full of nervous excitement. I might leave most of the reflection on how much has changed / stayed the same for another entry. What […]

  10. Hopefully not The End of An Era (Sophie)

    So it’s a Saturday afternoon and I am feeling rather reflective while being on just a couple of hours sleep. I have been extraordinarily busy, and am rather looking forward to Monday…make that Tuesday, where I can spend a day doing absolutely nothing! Despite being so busy I am in wonderful spirits due to some […]

Number of posts found: 1216