Category: Uncategorized

  1. Day 1 of O-week: officially survived! (Simone)

    Time: 6:05 pm Number of coffees already drunk after one official day of O-week: 4 (my hands are literally shaking…) Emotional state: Exhausted and in need of a cuppa, but overall thrilled by the lovely events of today!   I suppose I better start from the begining for ya, eh?! Well, in preparation for O-week […]

  2. "And my dad paints the house different colours!" (Victoria)

    Tomorrow I’m moving, so today I decided to spend the day doing things I love. Then I realised that I a) still have some packing to do b) have packed up my books and movies so I can’t use them and c) am far too pathetically sentimental for the music etc I can listen to to […]

  3. Musings of Arky, Thalia, the tempest outside and Hazel Grace (Simone)

    It’s pouring with rain as I write this; the clouds outside are heavy and dark and spooky – ahh, and lots of lightning too!! My desk has a metre wide, ceiling-to-floor window right next to it that gives me some outlook into the world whilst on Facebook studying, and today it is covered in droplets of water. […]

  4. An Ode to Friendship (Kiryll)

    “Hey! It’s been a long time! How is uni going? Sucks we are so far away now. Monash and Melbourne… What are you doing on Friday? Oh okay, are they from Monash? Okay, no problem. We’ll catch up some other time, then.  Have fun on Friday! “ It has been reported that many high-school friendships […]

  5. I met the most beautiful man on the train yesterday. (Victoria)

    If Simone feels bad for not blogging in a week I can’t imagine what she thinks of me! I promise I’ve legitimately busy or away from computers. I’m currently in the middle of packing up my entire bedroom in preparation for the big move this weekend. I still have to organise exactly what day I’m […]

  6. One week to go! The countdown begins (Simone)

    Alas, it appears that it has been an entire 7 days since I last blogged! The time is flying! After the longest stretch of Summer holidays us ‘Class of 2012-ers’ have had in our lives, there is but a week until Orientation Week officially starts. The butterflies are beginning to churn; not just from excitement, […]

  7. Great Expectations (Kiryll)

    Charles Dickens takes on University  What are you expecting university to be like? What are you hoping this three year plus journey will bring? Right now, there are thousands of Y12 finishers including me who are going to board a starship to a whole new galaxy – UniLife 200Z3b. But I know that in just […]

  8. 'Students can bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad' (Simone)

    Ciao! I hope you’re having a lovely weekend/week/whenever/where ever you are reading this! So – I’m sure you’ll pick this up fairly quickly through my blogs, but I think I should warn you that I’m quite fond of lists. Resolutions, goals, budgets, favourite things, things-to-do, DO NOT FORGET, things-I-may-or-may-not-need-to-bring-to-xxx…. not that I actually look at […]

  9. "For what it's worth" (Kiryll)

    Or the day I met Ron and found my self lost in University of Melbourne (The) It was a fine Thursday morning when I caught the 8:11 Flinders Street train to the city. After a big break from school and the commuting that was required to get there, it was a wistful journey as it reminded me […]

  10. 'Nothing was to be lost by beginning at the beginning' (Simone)

      Greetings to all!  Welcome to my very first blog post! Just as Briony Tallis in one of my favourite novels, McEwan’s Atonement, declares, there is indeed nothing to be lost by beginning at the beginning – so who am I?! I’m a city gal who lives in the inner Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, loves books […]

Number of posts found: 1217