Category: Uncategorized

  1. That fateful day… (Silvia)

         “Look at this!” Emily cried, waving something in my face. I jumped back and eyed it warily, expecting to see a dead mouse.      “What-?” I began, but then my eyes widened and my hands flew to my face. “Oh my God, it’s so cuuute!”      “I know, right?” Emily laughed. “Here, you can […]

  2. Loose Change = Printing Money … If You Have Any (Nae)

    I really do feel like I spend the majority of my Uni Life at the ERC Level 3 Printing Station. It’s my new hangout spot. Oh and that cafe outside there, and the Science Student Centre. Oh have I mentioned I am an ARTS student. What can I say, you Science freaks have the best […]

  3. Sugar high. (Candy)

    Okay, so this is a tad embarrassing. Here I was, all reassuring in my last Blog Entry, making (now evidently empty) promises to keep the world posted on my uni experience. Hasn’t it been about two weeks now? So much for my ‘A-Week-in-the-Life’ idea… …Which I guess is the perfect topic for me to address […]

  4. Help (Silvia)

    I know the possibility of this working isn’t very high, since I don’t even know how many people in unimelb read this blog, but I am desperate. If anyone has found “Biology: an Australian Focus” in the Elisabeth Murdoch building on the 1st April, please comment and let me know. ~Silvia

  5. 26th March, 2011 – Assignments, Money, identity crisis', woe is me (Will)

    Sooo sorry i havent been active on this blog for a while, the shame. But i have been Soooooooo full on and on and on! Assignments are starting to pile and a weekend feels now like two days where you have to work at home instead of a break haha. I have now so much […]

  6. I condemn Gloria Jeans. (Silvia)

         Ever since I hit uni, I have been eating like a bear about to enter hibernation. But being an unemployed uni student, money is a luxury and I usually end up with my head hanging in shame as train passengers look around for the source of the loud, grumbling noises. So when my mum […]

  7. Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fuuurrrr! (Silvia)

         The following content has nothing to do with the Big Bang Theory. It was the first thing that came into my head. By the way, it’s rated MA+ for mature audiences. No joke.      Wednesday physics is the highlight of my week. Having Jack and Bez there is psychotic and that’s how I survive […]

  8. A WEEK IN THE LIFE: Day One [Or, Othello for Dummies] (Candy)

    Hope everyone had a Marvellously Merry Monday. I personally had a pretty good start to Week Three – although I really do need to increase my concentration span. It is seriously shocking, you have no idea. Lectures aren’t just an excuse to daydream. They are there for a purpose, and I should help them in their […]

  9. Places that are Nice (Amy)

    Hello 🙂 I don’t have a whole lot to say today, since I complained enough in my last post. But! I have developed a bit of a routine, and in it are a few places on campus that I think are nice. I shall share them with you now 🙂 Frank Tate Learning Centre: Is […]

  10. Proceed to Laugh. (Candy)

    Okay, this particular Blog post does not contain any uni-related philosophical musings, nor will you find yourself suffocating from over-exposure to my whinging. I basically just HAD to come on here and share this with you all. This week, for Creative Writing, we have been assigned to read Chapter Five: How to Read a Poem, […]

Number of posts found: 1217