Category: Uncategorized

  1. The Week That Was… (Candy)

    So. O-Week came, and went. My thoughts? Well, it proved to be extremely daunting, and (but I’m sure you never would have guessed) pretty overwhelming. But I survived! And with minimal UAS (Unforced Awkward Silences), too! I guess I’ll write on each day, its events, and my (highly esteemed) evaluation of each…enjoy. 🙂 Monday: Not […]

  2. Blast of a week (Silvia)

    I won’t lie. I wasn’t exactly thrilled about O-week. Anticipating and feeling amused, perhaps, but not thrilled to bits. I’m not the type of person who screams “YAY!” when there is an opportunity to make friends. Usually, I’d just stand back and observe proceedings until someone either cracks a joke with me or I get […]

  3. Oh, a week! (Amy)

    PUN INTENDED. Sorry. So: this week was O-Week. Or Week-O? The week in which we undertake orientation, (that is, the process of becoming orientated) regarding our brand sparkling new university lives. Mine was useful and informative, but not particularly fun, and particularly daunting. On Monday, I grumbled about having to wake up at 7am. Caught […]

  4. Ramblings of a Bemused First Year (Part 4 – The 3am Rant) (Nae)

    Don’t judge me by the time this was posted. It’s 3am. And I’m still awake … Yup. Should probably sleep … Meh. That I believe is the sleeping pattern which we are all to be accustomed to, but when I have to get a 7.30 train to get to Uni by 9 at 3 days […]

  5. It ISN'T my fault! Oh, and O-Week. (Silvia)

    After a reassuring email from Ron, I now know that my failure of a profile on the job-hunting site was not my fault! Well, that was certainly a huge sense of relief, I was frantic my brand new computer was already doomed to be cruelly tossed in the dumpster amongst the rotting mess of week-old […]

  6. Retail Therapy: Ensuring a Great Start to Week-O (Brenda)

    I was so anxious about Week-O I was actually on the verge of tears last night, while Boyfriend reassured me of how amazing my first day at Uni would be. Almost twenty-four hours later, I’m home again, with sore feet and a huge smile on my face. He was right. For some, the activities that […]

  7. Looming… (Candy)

    Sooooo, tomorrow marks the beginning of O-Week, and I’m equally excited as I am nervous. Let’s just say causing awkward silences is my forte. So while the thought of socialising with strangers causes my mouth to involuntarily snap shut and my vocal chords to stop working, I know that at the end of the day EVERYONE […]

  8. FIRST (Amy)

    Hello! My name is Amy and I am a blogger on this blog now. I hope I’m not the last one to join 🙁 that would be embarrassing. (“First” is a word that looks very strange when spelled, since it’s usually “1st”. I had to google it to make sure that you’re allowed to spell […]

  9. Numero Uno (Candy)

    Hello all – Candy here, the latest addition to the First_Year@UniMelb blog! Smiley faces all round! 🙂 You know, I kinda just realised today is Friday. The fact that there’s been no school-like structure for 3 months has resulted in my having no concept of time. I’m hoping uni will help me remember how it […]

  10. It's not my fault… I don't think (Silvia)

    Job-hunting is going swellingly! Not really, I think it goes how job-hunting usually goes. Quiet and desperate, kind of like a little starved mouse zooming about in a maze and trying to sniff out the cheese in the middle. So far, it hasn’t been a huge success and after celebrating another day in our beloved […]

Number of posts found: 1217